My new rig bf3 ultra?


Mar 16, 2012
just finished my 800 dollar order on newegg. looking to play bf3 in ultra at 1080 at 1900x1200.
evga 560ti
gskill ripsaw 8gb
coolmaster 430 case
coolmaster 212+ heatsink
raidmax hybrid 2 730w
seagate 500g 7200
lg dvd drive
4 120mm fans
2 80mm fans

what would be a safe overclock with my cooling im gonna have for my i5 and 560ti


Apr 18, 2011
I agree with Spoony. 1920x1200 is a beefy resolution. the 560ti won't do ultra with constant 60fps at 1920x1080 nor 1680x1050 either. The multisampling kills it in some scene draws.

With heavy overclocking you should be able to do 0x multisampling and a mixture of ultra/high settings at 1920x1200 and get away with 60fps the majority of the time though. You're really gonna need to OC that 560ti well beyond stock 570 levels to achieve it at 1920x1200 though.


Apr 18, 2011
The visual difference between full high and full ultra is pretty hard to differentiate more often than not. The game is going to look nice and play nice on a 560ti for sure, just not full ultra 4x msaa.

As far as what OC is safe for your processor, that depends largely on each individual processor. The i5-2500k will go up to 4.3-4.4ghz area usually on a hyper 212 with temperatures from the vcore increase still being very manageable.

Your GPU is bios-locked to a certain max voltage so in general overclocking your GPU is fairly safe. The only question becomes what core and mem clocks will remain stable while gaming. That is different for each card, so you'll have to experiment when you get it (recommend MSI Afterburner personally).

Hi :)

I have read a LOT of your advice on BF3 and very good expert advice it is as well :)

I am still thinking about buying BF3 (was waiting for it to hit Steam but seems unlikely now) as i ONLY PLAY fps (single player only)

With my main gaming machine how do you think it will run...?

7 64 bit, 1100t, 16gb ripjaw, twin 5870`s (the rare 2 gb ones)

Also how is the single player campaign ?

All the best Brett :)


Feb 10, 2012
The single player is a let down Brett its got hands down some of the worst AI seen lately. Your team mates fire alot and hit nothing and the enemy track you like hostile radar. The Multiplayer is where that game blows the mind.

Hi :)

How long is the single player campaign...roughly ?

And would you buy the game JUST for single player ?

All the best Brett :)


Apr 18, 2011

Twin 5870's and I'm sure a processor to match, with 16gb of sys memory? You're going to run the game on full ultra and with those 2gb models I would presume you'll be able to run 2x multisampling on 64 player maps and never go below 60 fps. Could very well achieve that with 4x MSAA anyway.

To be honest with you about the single player campaign Brett, I've never played it. I bought the game for the multiplayer and I've played the multiplayer almost every day, but I have never played more of the single player campaign than the first few minutes to adjust my keybinds and graphics settings back on opening night, and again a bit just to see some of the vistas. From what I have heard, the single player campaign is lackluster although it has some beautiful visuals.

I have done all of the CO-OP missions with a friend of mine (repeatedly, as to unlock all the co-op guns) and on the hardest difficulty it was rarely if ever a challenge for either of us, and quite frankly I think a lot of the missions either of us could have solo'd easily. I could never recommend the game for its single player element, from lack of personal experience with it as well as unanimously less than stellar reviews.

But to date it is the most fun I've had in a multiplayer game since 1997 aol splatterball, and in the multiplayer regard I think that it lived up to all of the pre-release hype. If you're strictly a single player guy and the story line matters more than the graphics innovation, this won't be the right title for you. That's the most impartial info I can give ya =).

Edit: After some reading, I've seen people posting 40's-60's with 0x MSAA and full ultra graphics with 3 monitor Eyefinity rigs on xfire 5870 setups, so I would have to imagine that if you're playing single player you will have a great experience very similar to what I outlined above.

Hi :)

Many thanks for taking the time and effort for all that... :)

I think I will probably buy it for when I am bored....

The ONLY multiplayer I ever play is the original Half life 1.... Boot camp etc etc...

I have played it since the HL1 Beta in 1998 would you believe lol..still play it several times a week....although its a single player game (no teams etc)

I am just hooked on it I think even though its limited to 100 fps...but with a ping of around 10 to 15 , I seem to do well in it :)

Many thanks again for the review...

All the best Brett :)

Hi :)

Oops apologies.... wont happen again....late here...3 am so not thinking to bed now as paperwork finished lol :)

All the best Brett :)


Feb 10, 2012
Single campaign is short and alot of that is spent either "death by bot" replaying the same tiny bit over and over due to the AI or the opposite just breezing through again due to the AI.

Like casual said the co-op is good though. Having a friend that actually bags the enemy makes some of the more frustrating AI less annoying. It really is a multiplayer game though and that aspect of it is spectacular I too find myself on it most nights. Visually its stunning in any mode it makes CODMW3 look obsolete.

(Also check gamestation last week it was heavily reduced there for the physical dvd's, may still be)