My new system shuts off when ever i play a game


Mar 2, 2017
Okay so i just upgraded my pc parts ( again ) from originally a i7 4790k, asus z-97k mobo and 16gb of ddr3 ram to a ryzen 7 2700x and 16gb of ddr4 3600mhz ram. I had a problem with this as the temps were high for idle (50 - 60c can't remember ) so i thought getting a i7 8700k would sort out this heating problem. I used a nzxt kraken x62 cpu cooler on both the systems. I built the new one (i7 8700k system) today and still seem to have high temps. However and i dont get this, when i put it in low power mode in the power plan mode in windows the temps go to like 30-35c on idle but if i put it on balanced it would be at like 50-60 again or even lower but it would constantly jump.

I was doing some editing on sony vegas and couldn't even put it on the best preset for watching in the timeline ( hard to describe but its just watching the edited timeline in a small screen) I had to lower the setting just so i could but the whole reason why i upgraded was so that editing would be a lot quicker and could watch them back in full quailty in the timeline. I was then playing fortnite with a friend and if we survived for a bit the game would just completely freeze and the the whole system would shut down

You dont understand how frustrated i am as i have been trying to solve this for about 2 weeks now. What is the problem. Maybe the psu ? As i said the temps are good when I have it on the low power mode. Please help me. Its very urgent

u can filter ^^ by size. And Corsair's Telephone support amd much about them is great.
They are expanding the company all the time and probably won't be going anywhere for a long time. If in the future u need a PSU, I LUV their PSUs when they are re-branded Seasonics. If they're PSU they sell is NOT a re-branded Seasonic i would NOT suggest a PSU from Corsair. All u have to do is google something like the "Manufactures name+Model Number+What is the Original manufacturer?".
If something from Corsair ever needs replacing they are fast and reliable. I think all RMAs are cross shipped. And that saves a lot of time and trouble.

GL :)


Mar 2, 2017
Apologies. I have a evga 650w gold gq psu. This is relatively new. Got on amazon a few months ago

If you are using the same cooler on both systems, that would be the first item I would check.

Can you check the pump to make sure it is working? Are the fans receiving power and spinning? Did you use the correct mounting hardware? What profiles are you using in the pump control software? Did you use the provided pre-applied TIM, or get a quality TIM to apply?


Mar 2, 2017
Okay I think the pump is working. It seems to be very loud and I know it’s not the fans. It’s also my second nzxt kraken x62. I got the same cpu cooler before with the same temps and thought it was broken so returned it. The fans are both spinning on the radiator and using the right nuts. On the cpu however I don’t know. It’s on very firmly and looks perfect. I’m using the cam app to monitor the temps.



Dec 2, 2013

1. Have a PSU tester. (

2. PSU's have a high fail rate no matter how good they are because they are complicated little machines in their own right, that require many things to keep going strong.

3. Bite a bullet RhinoTV if u can afford it, and get another identical PSU. Swap it out with the existing one; and if the problem goes away, good. If the problem remains the same, good. (nj) Because the replacement working will prove the existing one is fine... with one exception... i highly doubt it but just maybe another piece of hardware caused both to fail... and having both PSUs working and two PSUs versus one is always a good plan.

4. If the #3 suggestion ^^ proves the prob is not ur PSU, make a list of all other possibilities, both Software and Hardware related, and then figure out how to rule out one at a time.

5. Video card drivers are the big-time culprits. (Need to uninstall and use driver cleaning software too.) But sometimes re-seating the card by completely removing and re-inserting and cleaning out the PCI-E slot with compressed air. (watch out for ESD!!! follow all recommended precautions- ALWAYS! or things will/ could get much worse.) Check RAM seating while ur at it.

6. #4 ^^ is very important because each piece of hardware could be the culprit. But nobody can always check each one. So checking software 1st, is sometimes the best advice to give.

7. After u fix ur current problem.... The perfect software check for the future consists of when ur Operating System is working flawlessly, backup it's partition with Imaging Sofware like Acronis. Then whenever something crazy- like what u have gone through lately occurs- simply restore the backup. And that will account for Software related probs.
Example: I had a mouse freak out really bad recently. It was so bad i thought i had a virus. (Any attempt to expand any folders in Windows Explore resulted in things occurring... just like with some malware.) So, after no viruses were found after scanning for them and after restoring a Backup Image made when my OS had still worked fine, the problem remained the same. So i decided to swap out the Keyboard, and the problem still remained. I then said, "ok mouse ur next." Then i swapped out the mouse and w00t!!! the problem disappeared. (The Logitec G903 mouse i have has a funky mouse 4 button and internal memory that can cause the said description.)



Mar 2, 2017
Wow. That’s a lot to take in :) I have a spare psu but originally changed it as I was getting problems with that one. Now that I think of it it kinda seems like a psi problem. Same thing happened with that psu I was talking about. As soon as I started a game it would then completely shut off. However this time it just freezes. Any ideas there ?? I doubt it’s the temps either



Dec 2, 2013
sounds like ur Video card's driver is the 1st suspect to arrest and interrogate. Give it the old good-cop/ bad-cop routine. Good cop offers the coffee and the bad cop spits in it. lol Good cop gets another cup and says, never mind him he's got problems. lol

1. Uninstall ur video drivers after DLing the newest version and after DLing Driver Cleaning Software. (

2. Remember to Read How To use the Driver cleaning software before u uninstall Video drivers. (Know how to get into safe-mode. Use MSConfig built into windows if need be. Select Safe-mode from Startup Tab in MSConfig.)

3. Install the newest Video driver and restart PC.

4. Test a game. (game video settings may be default so changing resolution back to ur preferred along with other settings may be necessary. But that is part of the vid game rigamarole.) :)




Mar 2, 2017
Would you have any video tutorials of this ?? I know how to build a pc just hate dojng things in the bios and drivers ect.



Dec 2, 2013
Have u ever booted into Safe mode before?

To use the Driver uninstall software, the DL links are at the bottom of the page. U can install it and also read on that page the recommendations.

When u run it there's just three options:
A. "Clean and Restart" or B. "Clean and DO NOT restart" or C. Clean and Shutdown

A. is what u want.

Just read everything else on the DL page:

And always ask question. Never guess. :)

Edit 1:


Mar 2, 2017
Got into safe mode like once but have no idea how to. I got a new mobo so it could be different. It an asus rog strix z370-h gaming. Also would you know anything to do with me lagging when im editing and looking at full quality ?? Thanks for the help so far :)



Mar 2, 2017
grand got safe mode ready for when i restart. I've also got that thing downloaded and it has 2 files what do i do now and after that?



Dec 2, 2013
If u set safe mode in MSConfig already, remember that in order to boot normally u have to un-select safe mode in MSconfig when ur in safe mode inorder to get back into normal mode Windows.

So here's the recipe now that safe mode is set like u have it now:

1. Before booting into safe mode, install DDU. U can test opening it but before actually using it to uninstall Vid drivers close DDU wait until ur in Safe mode before implementing it.

2. Unplug network cable so Windows wont install anything.

3. Boot into safe mode.

4. Go into MSconfig and DE-select booting into safemode but DON'T get caught selecting YES to restart just yet because u still have to run DDU in safe mode.

5. Run DDU in safe mode and select A. "Clean and Restart". Watch and have fun as the text zips by. lol

6. Boot into Normal Windows and install new vidio driver. (Be sure u have it or a shortcut to it on the Desktop for handy's sake. Never piss off Handy he don't like it. lol)

7. Restart and test.

8. If all is AOK remember to plug ur network cable back in. ;)



Mar 2, 2017
Thanks a lot for that detailed explanation :) Seemed to have got it all done right but will test tomorrow. Only problem now is my temps ...



Dec 2, 2013
30 minuets is spot on. Good work!

High Temps all around can be caused by the Video card Fan's speed settings running at default. Also consider leaving the case open and using a small fan to blow air in. But only if no animals or small children aren't around.

If the Vid card gets too hot, other Hardware will too. So all u have to do tomorrow is not Overclock the Vid Card, but do what Overclockers of Video cards do and that is to manually set the speeds that the Vid card fans run. I never Overclock my new Video cards but I change the speeds of the fans to run faster as the Video cards get hotter.

What Video card do u have?

If i don't get back to you tomorrow (and Video Drivers fixed old problem) and u want to set ur Vid Card Fan's speeds, simple google "Vid Card Fan's speeds".

But the best way to learn is to go to Overclock dot net. Then join the forums. Next, find the forum dedicated to Owners of the Video card u have. Then after u apply to that forum and ur accepted they can step u through setting Fan speeds. Tell them default everything else is fine with u but that u think the Vid card temperatures may be affecting all other hardware too and u want to set fan speeds on vid card.

C ya GL

here's the 1st example i found in google for a Youtube:



Mar 2, 2017
Temps on the gpu have been fine. I have a msi 970. The fans only turn on when it gets to a certain degree but as I said the temps there are completely fine. It’s just the cpu. I think tomorow I’m going to take out the new mobo and put back in my old one with my i7 4790k with the same cooler and see if that makes a difference.



Dec 2, 2013

And a better link i found is more related to wat i was thinking... and that is for "MSI Afterburner Custom Fan Curve".

in ^^ u can see how the fan speed is automatically adjusted higher and lower depending on temperatures. I started using it 8 years ago. Way back when i had the 1st 8800GTX ever sold (2006 i think) i was chicken and never adjusted the vid card fan speeds. The result was all sorts of things including what ur going through. About five years after my 1st 8800GTX failed and was using the last of the BFG 8800GTX warranted cards; and after a 9800GTX and 280GTX i finally tried using a Fan Curve Speed. I think it was with a GTX560ti-SLI setup. And thanks to the Fan Curve Speeds, the temperatures and overall gaming experience was spectacular. No more freezing or countless re-installing vid card drivers and just much better overall performance.

c ya GL!


Mar 2, 2017
That driver thing seemed to work! Played a full game of Fortnite ( got the win ) and didnt crash. Changed the fan speeds and set it to 85%. Loud but only like 65-68c. Only problem now is the cpu. It has the nzxt kraken x62 on it but yet its running at 70c while playing fortnite. Something seems wrong

*Edit. I just typed that paragraph while I was in a game and then it crashed and said kmode exception not handled. I seriously have no idea what to do. I want to return my items and just go back to my old stuff



Dec 2, 2013
congratz on the great hardware diagnosing. that helps a lot.

sry i was away from my PC a couple days and missed ur post...

do u mean u alt-tabbed out of the game; with the game still running and while typing in ur web browser ur PC crashed?

If yes, then be sure to stick to listing culprits. (Things to be eliminated as the cause. They can be called Tools too. But calling them Culprits is more fun.) ;)

1. Do you play Steam games mostly?
Because after a single crashing Steam game occurs over and over and after reinstalling/ cleaning Display (Video) Drivers; you must suspect the Steam game(s) "Verify Integrity of Game Files...".
Here's how u investigate/ eliminate the culprit:
If ^^ is a broken link search "Verify Integrity of Game Files...".

2. There is the possibility of the need to go through the DDU again. Especially if one or more Steam games DID have corrupted files detected and fixed by Steam's verification option, because those corrupted files may be at the root of the whole problem.

3. 70c seems fine or only slightly high in the the hot summer (and if peak max temps are during heavy 20+ minuet long game-play) and the Ambient temperature of a room combined with the readings u get from ur PC utilities are what really matters. So, be sure to buy at least one if not two or even three little cheap but reliable indoor room temperature thermometers to be placed around the room and one near PC. Maybe humidity matters a lot too, IDK, try googling it.

4. Using MSConfig to select Safe-mode from the Boot Tab (sry i suggested it from the Start-up Tab in an earlier post- guess i'm rusty lol) is just the 1st good use of MSConfig. The 2nd best and arguable the 1st best IS the Start-up Tab option. It can be used to eliminate one-by-one: unnecessary applications that run in the background. GID it. I GID everything under the sun. lol

5. Don't alt+Tab out of games until a DDU and drivers are uninstalled/ re-installed plus all suspect Steam game(s) files integrity have been checked. After all is fixed, some games alt+Tab out very well and some don't while slight changes in a PC can alwat effect the reliability of doing so. Endless permutations involving software, let alone hardware exists. Remember dwon the raod to Master Acronis backup software. It even includes money that goes to M$ that allows for migration of ur OS to totally new Hardware. Example: i guess because u switched only two major components, the existing OS. that u are using passed Hardware check. But i think that three or more major component changes would have resulted in ur OS detecting and rejecting all the changes and OS would have failed.

6. Spells and potions (if ur an RPGer maybe)? JK ;)

7. ^^ enough for now reply and or try stuff. Keep listing culprits. u'll figure it out. Google (GID) and Youtube (YTID) are the best tool.

GL :)

PS sry for too much info. But u can do it. The struggle that occurs with PC gaming makes it that much more satisfying than just console gaming. It's a game-in-a-game i suppose. Acronis is the final piece of the farming for Tools if u ask me. It's like having found God-Mode for the 1st time way back in GTAIII days and flying around in 20 ton Tanks. :)
GTAIII Tank flying:
GTAV Tank flying:
Warning!!!!! be slightly careful of ur speaker volume: (they are screaming at the start.)



Mar 2, 2017
I actually forgot about this forum too ;) So i just installed my old board in again and everything is fine. Temps are great as i have this hyper tx3 evo. I think the problem is the cooling as it wasnt on right. I just have on question now. Im going to get a new cooler but dont know what. Here is what im looking at. & .

I like the be quiet cooler but i have a feeling it will be hard to install and also if i do in the furture upgrade to 32gb of ram and take over all 4 of the ram slots that might be a problem. Would love to hear what you have to say!



Dec 2, 2013

go with an AIO... the Corsair H115i PRO RGB water cooling in 2nd link u posted.

In 2016 i got Corsair Hydro Series H100i V2 Extreme Performance Water / Liquid CPU Cooler. 240mm (CW-9060025-WW)

I got it because it was best performance and for the money. The reviews for it were excellent and a friend online had the previous version for several years without problems. He suggested leaving the pump on the highest setting all the time but adjusting the fan speeds. u can see the whole thread:

The fan speeds by default were a bit frustrating to get low enough to not make excessive noise on my AIO; but on ur AIO maybe they fixed it for the Version of Corsair AIO u found... it's all about the software settings it uses. (But u figured out the Vid card Fan speeds fine so i bet u can if need be figure it out.)
For my setup the fan speed barely affects temperatures and leaving the pump on highest speed all the time is all that is needed. (Read manual but i doubt it says not to leave pump on high all the time.) I use a copy of the "Quiet fan speed" profile that the software corsair provides has in it. What's nice is that with the pump always on high... i've done for two years... ProfJim for over five years... and i've had no probs including waking from sleep modes... is that it is set it and forget it when combined with using just the "Quiet fan speed" profile.
i just like to let CPU cool to at least 50c before putting it to sleep. U can see in that TweatTown link ^^ how i tested the AIO to be sure of it's integrity. Because u have proven ur capable of swapping out a CPU and MOBO fast and safe and successfully u can be trusted to test the integrity of a new AIO too like ProfJim suggested to me. It really put me at ease because this is the 1st AIO i have ever owned. Sometimes when my PC sleeps i walk away for hours and hours and sometimes for days and days. And every time there has been np waking. And AIO is working fine.

GL :)

i just remembered, to suggest u keep tweaking the Vid Fan Speed Curve until u find a perfect setting for cooling and sound. Maybe i can post an SS of mine later. or u can GID it and prob find some good ones.

Edit1: Extra RAM should be fine but wait. because prices are falling. Monitor them for at least 90 days and the savings can go towards getting urself a GTX1180!!!! :) ASUS ROG OC are best and MSI cards are good too.


Mar 2, 2017
Great thanks a lot! Ill go with that one then. Do you know if there is any newer versions of that model ? If there is ill buy the best of the best as i want the cpu to be cooled well and quite. Thanks again so much for your help



Dec 2, 2013

u can filter ^^ by size. And Corsair's Telephone support amd much about them is great.
They are expanding the company all the time and probably won't be going anywhere for a long time. If in the future u need a PSU, I LUV their PSUs when they are re-branded Seasonics. If they're PSU they sell is NOT a re-branded Seasonic i would NOT suggest a PSU from Corsair. All u have to do is google something like the "Manufactures name+Model Number+What is the Original manufacturer?".
If something from Corsair ever needs replacing they are fast and reliable. I think all RMAs are cross shipped. And that saves a lot of time and trouble.

GL :)