My new System


Aug 6, 2003
I am considering a new system and have compiled a list of parts at
I would appreciate it if I could get some input on my hardware choices. The list can be viewed on <A HREF="" target="_new">This Page</A>

Either reply to this thread, email me, or use the rating system embedded on the page. <b>Please don't tell me to get an Intel CPU.</b> I won't listen to you. I am willing to take suggestions on everything else <b>espescially</b> video cards. I am on the fence about wheter to go ATI or Nvidia. I like Nvidia, but ive seen a lot of benchmarks lately that make the ATI Radeon cards look really good. My video card budget is $300. I won't pay much more than that.

Thank You for your opinions.

The Radeon 9700 remains one of the most unforgettable card that kick Nvidia out of competition. This is still remain a tough choice between a FX5600 Ultra.
GeForceFX 5600 Video Card, AGP, 256MB DDR 179.99
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
even if zutme wanted to step down to a 5600, he seems to be leaning toward purchasing at newegg, why would he pay more (even after a pain in the ass mail in rebate) for a 5600 at compusa when he could get one for less at newegg....
Don't ever use CompUSA

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