My old gpu compared to my new gpu


Sep 11, 2017
Ok guys i was using a 1gb ddr3 amd graphics card and i had 4gb ram was playing league of legends at 50 to 120 fps now. Now i have bought a Geforce GTX 750 ti and upgraded my ram to 8gb its supose to be a upgrade but i am not able to play LOL cos my fps keeps droping even if i am standing at base my fps keep on fluctuating i get 200 plus fps and come down as low as 24 ,every 4 to 5 secs fps drops. Help please.

I am using a Intel core i5-4440 CPU @ 3.10 GHz , Asus H81M-K Motherboard and 550watt power supply.

What could be the problem guys? and when i put back my old gpu the fps doesn't do that!

actually i didn't at first but than later i did but it didn't not make any diff as far as fps was concerned i even did a reset on my pc and than installed the drivers and than updated it . But after a lot of research and and reading i was told by a friend to get MSI afterburner and i did than i found out that my CPU temp was very high when i started any game , now i think that maybe be the problem as at 100 degrees the cpu i learnt that tried to drop performance to try to cool of and that right there could be my problem, now how can i drop that cpu temp. just b4 installing 750 ti what i did was thati took out my cpu and was trying to get dust of the fan and the heat sink i think i wiped the thermal paste which i had no idea what it was until today after reading as to why the cpu temp could be high.. so i guess i should get that paste first but could there be any thing else tho i should look at?