My optical drives seem to have been hijacked with cdfs.


May 8, 2012
Hello, since wiping my computer because of a virus, (the metropolitan police one where you have to pay £100 to unlock) and (yes, i did have a microsoft virus prog installed, obviously not up to the task, I now have Norton)
my two optical drives ( LG blu-ray, and Samsung dvd/cd drive) have cdfs on them, and whichever disk I put in, (games, utilities, etc) they show up as ghost music files. i have got rid of WMP, but its made no difference. Anyone else had this problem?
Thanks. :ouch:
the microsoft anti virus is like using a tissue to block a fire hose and norton is like using a silk blanket to put out a fire. they both suck.

as for cdfs, i would start by uninstalling the cd drive from dev manager and see what that does. i dont recall if i have seen that issue before but if that does not work then we can try some registry editing to see if that fixes it
Thanks ncc for that, I have tried uninstalling both cd/dvd drives in device manager. As soon as windows is rebooted, there they are again.
So which do you think is the best anti-virus?
i use avast on my servers and home comps.
mcafee is the worst i have ever seen.

under your HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} you will see all your CD drive parameters. make a backup of this string and then delete the whole damn thing as well as delete them from your device manager. windows should rebuild hte string and re-install the devices. MAKE A BACKUP BEFORE DOING THIS!

you can simply right click and export on the string and then double click it later to reinstall it into the registry hive.

Thanks for that. i'll give that a go tomorrow.