My PC build

You won't have problems maxing out most games with that build, but AAA titles like evolve will have some trouble running well on your pc. However, this is the build I would suggest. With your build the gpu while decent, is not strong, while your cpu is pretty good. You can have a worse cpu and it won't bottleneck your gpu. Even an fx 8350 or 8320 wouldn't bottleneck a gtx 980, so you can swap out your cpu for something cheaper and buy a better graphics card. Just check out the build below, it's a better overall build. You can always add a disk drive if you want one.


Everything looks fine, except CPU. Get i5 4460, which slightly newer, will perform better and also cheaper.

This will be better GPU -

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: Sapphire Radeon R9 280X 3GB Video Card ($191.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $191.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-07-14 13:18 EDT-0400

It won't fit in this case though, consider this one, it's much better -

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case ($56.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $56.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-07-14 13:20 EDT-0400

Review :



Oct 28, 2014
You won't have problems maxing out most games with that build, but AAA titles like evolve will have some trouble running well on your pc. However, this is the build I would suggest. With your build the gpu while decent, is not strong, while your cpu is pretty good. You can have a worse cpu and it won't bottleneck your gpu. Even an fx 8350 or 8320 wouldn't bottleneck a gtx 980, so you can swap out your cpu for something cheaper and buy a better graphics card. Just check out the build below, it's a better overall build. You can always add a disk drive if you want one.
People need to keep in mind that several of these games will favor a Nvidia card... The GTX 960 will play them all excellently. Even if Evolve has issues with settings maxed out or something, you don't need to play like that. The GTX 960 won't have trouble unless you try to use it with settings it can't handle. Yes, you can change out the graphics card any time you want to and you could even start off buying a different one, the choice is yours. The 280X is also a good option and will have better performance in most games if you want to go that route.


Apr 10, 2015

Well i don't know if people thought this or not but I do not have to play on like maxed out graphics on all games. I do kinda want to be on high graphics on WoW just because that's my main game I wanna play so I want the best experience. And some people said my cpu was bad?

WoW isn't a particularly heavy game unless you're going to 1440p and above and even then, it's not too much for moern graphics cards. I play it too on occasion on the PTR and I can have high settings on my laptop's integrated graphics (AMD Trinity A10) at 720p. The GTX 960 is many times more powerful and even 1080p is only double the pixel count and 1440p quadruple the pixel count. Some of the other games are more intensive, but the GTX 960 can handle them as far as I'm aware. Most of them are somewhat older games.

Your CPU isn't bad. The i5-4440 you have is simply slightly inferior to the i5-4460 around the same price. You might as well go for the i5-4460 if it's at the same price or cheaper.


Oct 28, 2014
I just want to make sure you get best performance for the price. If you wanted to you could get a great cpu and a terrible gpu and upgrade the gpu later, but it's just generally a good thing to have a balanced build. I'd still suggest a gtx 970. But if you're dead set on getting a gtx 960, you should consider getting an r9 280x instead, most benchmarks show that the 280x does far better than the average gtx 960 by an average of 10-15fps per game. Seriously, check out the reviews for gtx 960s, the 280x destroys it in most benchmarks:,16.html


Apr 10, 2015
I think I will with the i5 4460 on Amazon it's like a 5 dollar difference. But I'm really torn now. Blazerthorn says I will do fine with my gpu but cleanshot says I should use something else aaahhh >.< I don't know what to do.

What do you mean destroys it... It's only about 10% on average. Most of the time, they were equal. There were a few wins for the 280X that were certainly significant, around 20%, but that was far from most.


Oct 28, 2014

I suppose I exaggerated based on what I could remember from past reviews, my bad. But yeah, it has slightly better performance, but does consume a lot more power and generate significantly more heat, so your call I guess. And also it has an extra gb of vram in comparison to the cheaper models of the gtx 960. Not going to be a huge difference in every scenario, but it can have an effect on performance.