Question My pc download is slow

Jun 17, 2018
When I do a speedtest on google chrome it says 40megabytes/s(not megabit). My pc downloads everything from the internet with 5-6megabytes/s, and my steam downloads only with 300-500kilobytes/s. I have run multiple windows updates, driver updates, anti-virus programes and windows defender too. I get my internet via cable.
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS.

Who is your ISP?

Is only your pc slow or are all network devices (wired or wireless) slow?

You mentioned that you get your internet via cable: does that mean wired with respect to the overall connections leading to your pc?

For example:

ISP --- (coax)---> modem --- Ethernet--->[WAN] router[LAN] ------- Ethernet cable -------> pc

What make and model devices are in your network. Who has admin rights to the router?

More information needed.