My PC is too hot 94celsius.


Jul 26, 2014
Hello! Well, I recently have been experiencing that my PC is crashing and I notice it's way too hot. I can check it by putting my hand on the top of the case where the airflow sucks out the air.. The air is hot!! I downloaded SpeedFan too check how hot it is while playing counter strike.

Temp1: about 40-60C
Temp2: about 40-70C
Temp3: 94C
HD1: about 60
HD0: about 60
GPU about 55

Well, I quit counter strike and all the temperatures was going down..
So now when just browsing on the internet and having skype open.

Temp1: 42C
Temp2: 49C
Temp3: 53C
HD1: 42C
GPU: 46C

I have 6 fans newly installed in my Cooler Master HAF 912 plus. But it still gets too hot, I don't understand it. And yes, I've built my computer by myself and it was already that paste thingy on the CPU. Would love to have some ideas and solutions, you guys seems to be pretty good on this! Thank you!!


TX650 - Corsair PSU
AMD Radeon HD 5770 GPU
AMD Fx6100 6-core CPU
16gb Kingston RAM - says that Windows can only use 12gb of RAM.
Gigabyte UD3 990fxa - motherboard
CPU cooler is the original one that came with the box when I bought the CPU.
Fan setup.. One big.. I bet it's 200mm or something like that in front that sucks air in. One side 70mm or similiar (it's a small one) that sucks air in. One back, original fan that sucks air out, 3 fans @ top, 2 small ones and one big like 120mm or similar, all three are sucking air out. GPU fan is set on 100% speed in Catalyst control manager. I've had problems with my CPU fan, it's not a strong RPM, I can stop it by my finger easily without any reaction or getting hurt. Maybe that's the solution, but I don't know how to configure the speed of it..
Just stated that I have two fans that are doing that job, sucking the air in the case.. I've been looking up a guide to have a good airflow in my case and I followed the guide.
but I'm almost 100% sure that SpeedFan is reading the temperatures correctly. The PC makes my whole room hot, especially now when it's summer. But still, 6 fans and the correct airflow wouldn't be a problem wouldn't it? Btw, I put my CPU fan to have the strongest RPM the whole time instead of when it gets hot.. I think it's reducing the temp a bit, but still @ 60-80 degrees.
i use a amd and on the temp 3 speedfan give me -128 c that is not the real value the other thing i would suggest to repaste the cpu cooler using mx 2 or mx 4 and see if you could fit in the case a after market cooler like the evo 212 that need 160 mm .
yeah, alright. I'll look up some big good fans and get a new paste. But, there's another problem. When I play WoW (I have it in windowed mode) I can play just normal like 50-60fps then if I have facebook up (using Google Chrome) or youtube.. or even google chrome my FPS drops down to 20. When I close Chrome it gets up to 50-60 again. Does it have to do something with how hot it is? :/
Speed fan has been messing up on me lately. Reading my GPU at -999c. Double check with HWmonitor. Also you could check bios when spedfan reads that high to see if your mobo is picking up a real temp like that.
I checked bIOS and it said that CPU was on 50 degrees, so I guess when I'm using the CPU it's getting up to 90degrees, but I'm going to purchase a liquid cooling, I'll come back and ask if the product I'm interested in if it's good.