So recently I built myself my first computer. Everything went really smooth with no problems. However, lately I've noticed it's been turning on by itself at random times. At first, I thought maybe I accidentally restarted instead of shutting down and not noticing, but I've been very careful about making sure I'm shutting down and this still happens. I changed my settings to Sleep after two hours of inactivity so I don't waste power through the entire night if it were to turn on (like last night again), but I would like a real fix to stop it from turning on. Any ideas?
i5 4590
MSI z97 gd65
8gb g.skill ripjaws x
No GPU yet
PSU: Corsair CS550M
1tb Seagate HDD
Rosewill Stealth gaming ATX case
Windows 8.1
Could this be a Windows thing? Could my case have an issue? Could my wiring be causing it? Could it be hardware related? Just throwing out ideas. Also, I remember an Asus board with with this problem, anyone with the MSI z97 gd 65 have this problem?
i5 4590
MSI z97 gd65
8gb g.skill ripjaws x
No GPU yet
PSU: Corsair CS550M
1tb Seagate HDD
Rosewill Stealth gaming ATX case
Windows 8.1
Could this be a Windows thing? Could my case have an issue? Could my wiring be causing it? Could it be hardware related? Just throwing out ideas. Also, I remember an Asus board with with this problem, anyone with the MSI z97 gd 65 have this problem?