So, I've had my PC for a couple of months now I've recently noticed that my PC is 'underperforming' when it comes to gaming, I put that in quotations since the FPS seems to be displaying as it should (kinda), but the games just seem stuttery and laggy. I play Fortnite on Low settings (for the highest FPS since I play competitively) and I still experience a lot of stuttering - the game doesn't seem smooth at all; feels like I'm playing on less than 60 FPS (I have a 240hz monitor). I even tried bumping my settings to max on Fortnite (my PC should easily run this at 100+ FPS) but it's literally unplayable, my game feels like it's at 10 FPS. A similar thing happened when I went to play The Division 2, on 240hz it didn't really seem smooth (seemed like I was playing on 50-60 FPS at a push) so I dropped it to 60hz in the settings - it then felt like I was on 20 FPS when I did this. It's extremely aggrevating that I'm experiencing these issues, especially with the amount of money put into getting a good set up + not really knowing how to solve it (being a PC noob). My specs are:
If you need any screenshots of tests / need me to do certain ones please let me know and I'll be sure to do them, just want to try get to the bottom of the issue I'm having. Thanks in advance 😀
- i7-8700K
- Vega64 8GB
- 16GB DDR4 RAM 2400MHz
- AORUS Gaming 7 Motherboard
- Samsung 970 EVO 500GB
- EVGA 650W G3
If you need any screenshots of tests / need me to do certain ones please let me know and I'll be sure to do them, just want to try get to the bottom of the issue I'm having. Thanks in advance 😀