Question My pc shut it self down and i smelled burnt plastic.

Mar 23, 2024
So basicaly while playing some DL my pc turned off and i smelled burnt plastic. Imedietly i turner off the power splitter and unplugged everything from the said pc. My dad didnt give a f* and said he will not touch my pc at all. Oh and i hear something click.


Jan 3, 2024
How old is it? It's probably ded and you need a new one. Even so, the PC may be damaged.

Tell us what region you live in, and someone will suggest a decent PSU to buy. (If you're in Europe or Asia, prices and available PSUs will be different)


Curmudgeon Pursuivant
Well, that's terrifying. Horribly cheap group-regulated junk. Not surprising to see it melt down in a PC with a real GPU.

Like a lot of dodgy cheap PSUs sold in Eastern Europe and South Asia, it appears to have a fake 80 Plus badge. The 80 Plus people have nothing about this power supply in their certification database.

A proper PSU is a must, but the question here is whether it's *just* the PSU that died, or whether the garbage PSU took some components with it to its inevitable grave. Would need a real PSU to find that out.

It's too bad that when asked in your last two threads when you were having problems, you ignored all requests for information about the PSU; people suspected a junk one. All you said was "sufficient" PSU. It wasn't. And like most problems, ignoring it didn't make it go away.
finaly know the name of the PSU: BANDITPOWER XH-490

That is 420W PSU.
Minimum recommended PSU for Rtx 2070 super is 650W.