My PC won't boot tried everything


Sep 2, 2016
Hello I've been having peoblems with my pc for the past month and I tried everything I could to make it work.

Let's start from the beggining.
I was listening to some music until my pc restarted and artifact appeared on the screen. I thought it was because of the dust from the gpu so I took it apart and changed the thermal paste (arctic mx 4) and thermal pads on the memory modules.

I also cleaned the cpu and its thermal paste. I placed everything back and all the fans would work for a couple of seconds and then restart in a infinite loop I believe so I initally thought its the gpu. Tried it out with one ram module and no gpu to boot and unfortunately the same results.

After a couple more tries it didn't even spin the fans like no reaction at all.

I was suspicious on the psu so while my new psu was being delivered I went to a friend to test if my cpu , gpu and ram were working correctly on his setup. While the ram and cpu did work correctly the gpu didn't and gave the same artifacts on his screen too.
I also took apart the psu and saw all all the white molten stuff all over the place.

After my new psu arrived I tried to boot the pc again in hope that the psu was at fault but it didn't boot at all(no signal at all). I went to purchase a couple of mobo batteries to see if that was the problem. After I succesfuly did the jumping(that lottle switch). I placed in the new battery and it booted but before that I heard a loud pop and the it booted into the UEFI... well it's something.

But there was something weird about this.
The pc only recognised 4 gb of ram instead of 8 gband it didn't recognize neither of my hdd's.

Whenever I tried to exit from the bios it restarted and booted in the bios every single time.

The capacitators on the mobo seem to be fine (I will do another check tomorrow morning ) and the hdd's I presume are working correctly since they didn't have any problems up until now.

I have no idea if the mobo is at fault or the hdd's but I am pretty sure it's the mobo since it won't recognize my 8gb of ram and my hdd's.

Any opinions please I've tried everything.

i5 4670 non k
2x4gb of ddr3 Kingston hyperx predator at 1600mhz with XMP
Asrock h87 pro4
Sapphire HD7950 Vapor-x(gonna swap it for a gtx 1060 or rx 470/480)
2x1TB Western digital caviar blue
Corsair CX600(old psu) 80+ Bronze
Thermaltake Smart SE 530(new psu) 80+ Gold
well it depends on what do you want to do with the motherboard, but if the plan is to have a cheap and good quality motherboard you can go for a Asus H97-Plus
Me and my friend did test the ram modules and both seem to be working fine. I feel like you didn't even read what I wrote down because I stated that my rams are working fine at my friend.
and "The capacitators on the mobo seem to be fine" did you test them too? because caps don't need to look ugly to be in bad shape, if a cap is leaking (not the acid but in its internal construction they don't store power) or if the ESR is to high they are bad, but they, on the outside, looks normal
Yes we did test the rams with memtest and they work fine. Tomorrow I will go to a friend to test the hdd's and about the mobo I just did a visual inspection and it looked fine as I said but if it's true what you're saying then I guess it's time for a new mobo.
lol do you think i just I invented the capacitors explanation? just google-it and you will find the electronics world amazing like i do.
or you can have a 4 year professional course like me and repair motherboard too.
most problems on motherboard are related to power failures that can be from external sources (like a PSU) or internal (caps, regulators, bad connectors, fuses, ans so on)
I absolutely don't think that you invented that but I am still gonna test the hdd's ic they are corrupted or not ^^ hopefully a new mobo will solve the problem and btw should I get a b85 or h97 mobo ? What is the main difference between them? Since I want to get the gpu this month so I don't want to spend too much money on a very expensive mobo.

Got any suggestions?