My RAID 0 is not being detected when I try to install windows 10


Jun 27, 2013
I have two 250gb samsung SSDs setup in RAID 0 on my ASUS 990fx rev2.0 motherboard. When it prompts me to select where i want windows installed, i load the driver that i downloaded from asus's website

I navigate to the driver...

ASMEDIA_WIN7_81_10Ver3160/ Driver_win10/ stahci/ amd64

I click "next" and then it shows a loading bar that is going back and forth green. then after a few seconds of the green bar loading the driver it brings me back to the screen where it should show my raid array and it is still blank.

I have tried every other driver inside that file and none of them will get the stupid thing to show my raid array. I'm pretty sure I set up my raid correctly because when I start my computer up and press alt+f it brings me to the ROM utility. From there i press 2 and it shows m RAID 0 array with a capacity of 497.99gb and its status is "functional."

Can someone please help me? Am i missing a step/

Both of my SSDs are conected to the brown ports as well as my DVD Drive

I just downloaded the AMD chipset driver onto my USB thumb drive from this link..

Should I run the program that it gave me and install the driver onto my thumb drive? It didn't give me like an actual driver just an install.


That is the same driver that the Indian guy told me to try when I called ASUS. It didnt work.