Hyperdarkness said:
I looked for a part No. I found Manufacturer reference which is CMW16GX4M2C3200C16 would this be what I'm looking for if so I didn't find it on the list.so does that mean the ram isn't compatible with my motherboard?
The i7-8700K has official support for 2666MHz RAM and you have chosen OC RAM at 3200MHz.
What this means is that although your MB supports OC RAM up to 4000MHz. It will come down to the IMC (Integrated Memory Controller) on the chip if indeed you can achieve your RAMs SPD. (i7 CPUs scale well but no guarantees)
OC RAM requires Bios settings for Primary Timings and Dram Voltage to be manually adjusted and very often Bios will during Post set a safe default frequency of 2666MHz and a safe voltage to allow the system to Boot.
I have checked and CMW16GX4M2C3200C16 as a (2x8) 16GB kit are not listed on the MB QVL so have NOT been tested. As you can't past Post then you may have to try another kit that have been tested and known to work at 2666MHz that are tested.
I'ts not to say your OC RAM won't work however you will need to tweak your Bios.
See if your supplier will lend you a kit to try as stated above.
Hyperdarkness said:
I looked for a part No. I found Manufacturer reference which is CMW16GX4M2C3200C16 would this be what I'm looking for if so I didn't find it on the list.so does that mean the ram isn't compatible with my motherboard?
The i7-8700K has official support for 2666MHz RAM and you have chosen OC RAM at 3200MHz.
What this means is that although your MB supports OC RAM up to 4000MHz. It will come down to the IMC (Integrated Memory Controller) on the chip if indeed you can achieve your RAMs SPD. (i7 CPUs scale well but no guarantees)
OC RAM requires Bios settings for Primary Timings and Dram Voltage to be manually adjusted and very often Bios will during Post set a safe default frequency of 2666MHz and a safe voltage to allow the system to Boot.
I have checked and CMW16GX4M2C3200C16 as a (2x8) 16GB kit are not listed on the MB QVL so have NOT been tested. As you can't past Post then you may have to try another kit that have been tested and known to work at 2666MHz that are tested.
I'ts not to say your OC RAM won't work however you will need to tweak your Bios.
See if your supplier will lend you a kit to try as stated above.
The seller wont send me a different kit of ram unfortunately so should I buy a kit that I know works to see if the problem is the motherboard or dimm slots? I wouldn't only buy $100 kit or so and can get a full refund on both of the kits if needed.