My RX 480 is definitely underperforming, don't know what's causing it.


Oct 19, 2016
So, recently I upgraded from an R7 370 2gb to an RX 480 8gb, and I feel like the new graphics card is underperforming. I've tried games like Mirrors Edge Catalyst and Battlefield 1, and both are giving the same weird performance issues, the framerate jumps around from as low as 25 to 80 all the time, if I move too much or go near buildings in BF1 it goes to 30 fps, yet if I stand still in the open, or in the desert map pretty much everywhere, framerate will be 50-65, no problems. But those dips to 20, in maps like Argon Forest it sometimes goes to 25 and stays there, 25-35, so annoying. I know BF1 just came out and drivers aren't even ready, but this is the same exact problem Mirrors Edge Catalyst gives me, framerate so jumpy. Other games I've tried include GTA V, which also gives me issues when I'm in the car, and Mafia 3 which just works bad all around, but thats probably the game. Also, in all of these games, changing from low to high settings doesn't change much performance wise, maybe 3 or 4 frames of difference, not more.

Any clue what could be happening? I've updated the drivers and checked that it recognized me the RX 480 correctly, also I've considered that the A10 is bottlenecking, but could it bottleneck THAT much? Could it be a Hard Drive problem? It's a 1tb cheap toshiba hard drive. Or maybe the RAM?

Help is appreciated


CPU: A10-7850K @ 3.9Ghz (oc'd)
GPU: RX 480 8gb XFX
RAM: 8gb Kingston

Some MSI Afterburner pics:

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4