Question My Rx 580 usage keeps spiking for no reason...

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May 12, 2019
So I was playing some Rust , and for a couple of minutes my game was working well (60-80) fps , but after about 10 minutes of playing the game started getting more laggy and the fps's where at (30-40), i was in an open field at that time so there was no reason why the performance would drop that much, i checked to see what my graphic card usage was at and it was spiking from 0%-100% and down again to 0%. I put the game from and HDD to an M2 Sata still the same thing...
I tried every tutorial on the internet nothing helped.
My PC Specs: Amd Ryzen 7 2700x , Rx 580 4gb , 16 gb Ram 3200Mhz.
And after that every game started doing the same thing.
So I was playing some Rust , and for a couple of minutes my game was working well (60-80) fps , but after about 10 minutes of playing the game started getting more laggy and the fps's where at (30-40), i was in an open field at that time so there was no reason why the performance would drop that much, i checked to see what my graphic card usage was at and it was spiking from 0%-100% and down again to 0%. I put the game from and HDD to an M2 Sata still the same thing...
I tried every tutorial on the internet nothing helped.
My PC Specs: Amd Ryzen 7 2700x , Rx 580 4gb , 16 gb Ram 3200Mhz.
And after that every game started doing the same thing.
What's the psu model?And is your card new or used?
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