My S6 edge plus constantly fills storage


Jul 1, 2015
My s6 edge plus started telling me i was running low on space a little while ago and it recommended i clear up 18gb by moving all my photos to google drive so i did so. So now there was 18gb of free space on my phone. But.... 2 days later it said my storage was full again and i changed absolutely nothing on my phone i tried looking to see what could be taking up all the storage but nothing really stuck out because there was only 220mb worth of pics still on my phone and 16gb worth of apps and all the other folders i was able to look through had only a couple mb worth of files in them. I also realized it would fill at about 12mb or more per hour as it would tell me to clear space for an app and it would say its able to install then tell me i dont have enough space as im at 0mb free again.

Its a pain having zero storage on my phone and not even being able to do something about it. I looked up what could be wrong but the closest thing i got was about a samsung s3 and s5 having this same issue years ago

Someone help!

Reset your device to factory settings. I had this issue and it was due to temporary files not being deleted. This can happen on semi buggy android versions (samsung is known for this a bit with their after launch support).
If this keeps happening over tim the best thing to do is simply root and put a costum rom on it that fixed my ace 2 and galaxy s4 mini's issue with this since it kept coming back for some reason.

any good way I can save all my files and stuff that are on my phone? because I have a couple vpns setup on my phone and some apps with data that wont be saved