Question My Sceptre monitor keeps dimming when the majority of the screen is dark

Dec 26, 2021
Hi everyone. I have a Sceptre E275B-QPN168 and I've been noticing that my monitor dims when most of the screen is showing the color black.

I'm using Windows 10 with the dark mode enabled and for example if I'm in the Display settings (which is all black) I can see that the whole display gradually dims in brightness (I want to say from 400 nits to 150 nits). It's very noticeable if I Alt-Tab to Google Chrome on the Google website where the white background will now cause the screen to increase in brightness.

This is a big issue in shooting games recently for me. If I'm using a sniper and I am scoped in, this will cause the outside edges to turn black. Consequently, the dark edges will cause the entire monitor to decrease in brightness and it's hard for me to see what I'm aiming at.

In my monitor settings I have the backlight set to the highest (100). The monitor is connected to my desktop PC using the included displayport cable to my AMD RX 480. I've owned another Sceptre monitor which was 24 inches and I've never experienced any dimming with it. Is this some kind of HDR setting or power saving setting that I need to disable?
Hi everyone. I have a Sceptre E275B-QPN168 and I've been noticing that my monitor dims when most of the screen is showing the color black.

I'm using Windows 10 with the dark mode enabled and for example if I'm in the Display settings (which is all black) I can see that the whole display gradually dims in brightness (I want to say from 400 nits to 150 nits). It's very noticeable if I Alt-Tab to Google Chrome on the Google website where the white background will now cause the screen to increase in brightness.

This is a big issue in shooting games recently for me. If I'm using a sniper and I am scoped in, this will cause the outside edges to turn black. Consequently, the dark edges will cause the entire monitor to decrease in brightness and it's hard for me to see what I'm aiming at.

In my monitor settings I have the backlight set to the highest (100). The monitor is connected to my desktop PC using the included displayport cable to my AMD RX 480. I've owned another Sceptre monitor which was 24 inches and I've never experienced any dimming with it. Is this some kind of HDR setting or power saving setting that I need to disable?
Does your monitor have an "ambient" brightness or energy saver option? Displays will automatically dim the brightness when the room is dim. The screen getting dark lowers the overall brightness in a dimly lit room. Try disabling any energy saver or ambient brightness compensation.
Does your monitor have an "ambient" brightness or energy saver option? Displays will automatically dim the brightness when the room is dim. The screen getting dark lowers the overall brightness in a dimly lit room. Try disabling any energy saver or ambient brightness compensation.

I don't think there's a real energy saver option for this monitor. Right now I have it on the "USER" preset with the backlight at 100. I'm not having an issue with the ambient lighting conditions as my monitor stays at a constant brightness whether its in direct sunlight or a completely dark room.
I just got the same monitor and am having the exact same issue. It doesn't seem like any option in the menus fixes this, if you figure something out please let me know.
Hey all, I have the exact same monitor and experienced the same problem. Whenever I opened specific menus in Windows 10 that had a certain combintion of gray and blacks, the monitor would increase in brightness... There´s two settings in this monitor:

Picture -> DCR
System -> HDR

  1. When BOTH are OFF, I would get the behavior described, when backlight is set at <20, I got a very noticeable increase in brightness when navigating to grak/dark menus. Then dim back again.
  2. When HDR is ON and DCR is OFF, literallly nothing happens, brighntess, contrast, gamma, backlight stay all the same, except it seems that when this setting is ON the auto dimming will not happen anymore. Now the screen remains constantly at the same level of backlight and brightness. Beware though that when HDR is ON you can't adjust Backlight, Contrast or Brightness. So you must set first those settings as you like, then leave HDR on so it will not dim by itself.
  3. When DCR is ON and HDR is OFF I will get auto dimming but the opposite way around. Dark/grey screens will result in a decrease of brightness. This sounds like what's happening to you. so I'd check if you have set DCR ON and HDR OFF.

It seems you can't set both options ON, when HDR is ON it overrides whatever setting DCR is at. I honestly believe that the funcions in the OSD menu are incorrectly mapped to what the monitor actually does. I hope this tip works for you guys having the same issue. Except for this, the monitor is quite decent.
I just got the same monitor and am having the exact same issue. It doesn't seem like any option in the menus fixes this, if you figure something out please let me know.

same here man... check my post... I found a solution, try setting Picture -> DCR to OFF and System -> HDR to ON. Screen doesn't auto dim for me anymore, it's nice and even.