[SOLVED] My screen freeze and I see weird red/green pixels on my monitor, while playing csgo


Oct 13, 2018
Hi, recently i havent been able to play games (Csgo) because my screen freezes, i see red/green pixels and sometimes my fan goes crazy. Sometimes the pc crashes and sends error report etc. and sometimes just csgo crashes, pc runs as usual and all charts are looking good.

The game can run very good and without any hints the screen goes still.

Geforce gtx760

I know my components are quite old and think thats the problem, can someone help me?
Thanks :)
Something like this!
This sounds like a failing GPU, I had a 970 that did the same and I had to get another GPU. Try stress testing the card, or play other games to see if the freezing and artifacts occur.
Oh okey thanks for answering, i will test that :) I noticed another clue, when my screen freezes, sometimes my monitor turns off and enters sleep mode while my pc is still on, havent touched any cables, how is that even possible?
Thanks :)