My screen shuts down


Aug 30, 2012
hi when i was playing tomb raider 2013 for about maby 10 min my screen shuts down and it says that because of gpu so i have to shut down pc and wait 20minutes till i can turn on my pc it hapens to me to the couple of games like just cause 2 too. i really want to play tomb raider i just bought this game can i overlock my graphic card or what ?
my pc spec
*OS:Windows7 Ultimate
*CPU:Intel Core Quad Q6600 2.40Ghz
*GPU: Gtx260
*Hard drive:1TB
*Power Suppply:700w OCZ
your explanation is lacking. what exactly says "because of gpu"?
you should never have to wait 20 minutes to restart. is the inside of your computer covered with an inch of dust?
i mean its because of graphic card once my screen turns off and it says no input displayed and there is no dust i already have cleaned all the dust
i recommend getting [strike]atitool.[/strike]
run it and see how hot your card gets. over 65 is kinda bad over 70 you have issues. and might want to check if the fan on the card spins, and might want to underclock your card if it does.