[SOLVED] my second m2 drive wont get detected after shutdown

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Feb 1, 2022
My spec can be seen here https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/toms-hardware-member-system-gallery.1285475/post-23191367.
It worked fine for a few days before a persistent brownout occurred and the second M2 drive stopped being detected 🙁. a little story about this drive, I screwed up the installation of the second drive because I didn't know how to do it correctly and had to use a chisel to chip it off of a glue-like surface to install it correctly again watching from youtube.
what? use a chisel to chip it off of a glue like surface?
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GBTzqPleAk
. See this to get an idea of why I had to chisel it. Basically, the yellow thing is so strong that I had to use a chisel to remove the SSD from the heatsink because I had positioned it incorrectly. it was dumb i know but its my first time doing a build and it almost work had it not for the constant brownout.
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