My short CPU History.. what's yours?


I've taken pics of some of my CPU's as I have Dual PIII server up as well as a Tualatin P!!! 1.26GHz, AMD K6 III, Pentium4 3.2EE, AMD Athlon64 X2 4200+/4800+, Core 2 Duo E6600, Core 2 Extreme X6800, AMD Athlon64 3500+/3800+ systems running and taken them apart to take pics would be far too time consuming.

So here are some pics of my other CPU's just to share with you all what sort of personal experience I've had in dealing with x86 processors as well as wanting to know what sort of experience you've all had.


Intel Pentium/MMX

Intel Pentium Pro

AMD K6 Processors

AMD K6/2 Processors

Intel Pentium !!! (SLOT 1)

AMD Athlon K7 (SLOT A)

Intel Pentium !!!/Celeron (Socket 370)

AMD Athlon/Duron/XP K7


Intel Celeron Tualatin

Intel Netburst Pentium4/Celeron (second pic is P4 2.4GHz 533FSB didn't want to un-mount it).


VIA C3 Processor

So guys.. what about you?


Whoa, ou have a sh!t load, never kept my CPu always sold my older systems...
Cheaper yet much less cooler!!!

P1 200mhz(not MMX!!!, you know one of the few 1 month useless product), my dad got a Compaq, first PC ever, use to have MACs go figure!

Funnyly never had a single AMD, build dozens of them for friends/work but seams that when I buy my CPUs intel is on top of thing, also my "mentor" is a intel fanboy so I was just listening to him until the P3 era when I started knowing more then him hehe

P2 300/333/350
P3 450/667/750/1ghz
P4B 2.26/P4C 2.6@3.4
C2D E66/ only have the CPU, doing a internship in the states so I build my rig when I come back in december, gonna be a killer =)

As I mentionned always sold my older stuff to friends mostly, they know my computers work well and they fight to know who's gonna buy it 8)


Whoa, ou have a sh!t load, never kept my CPu always sold my older systems...
Cheaper yet much less cooler!!!

P1 200mhz(not MMX!!!, you know one of the few 1 month useless product), my dad got a Compaq, first PC ever, use to have MACs go figure!

Funnyly never had a single AMD, build dozens of them for friends/work but seams that when I buy my CPUs intel is on top of thing, also my "mentor" is a intel fanboy so I was just listening to him until the P3 era when I started knowing more then him hehe

P2 300/333/350
P3 450/667/750/1ghz
P4B 2.26/P4C 2.6@3.4
C2D E66/ only have the CPU, doing a internship in the states so I build my rig when I come back in december, gonna be a killer =)

As I mentionned always sold my older stuff to friends mostly, they know my computers work well and they fight to know who's gonna buy it 8)

I remember back in the day I had a Pentium II 266MHz and a Voodoo3 3000 AGP. My friend had an AMD Athlon 700MHz and a Voodoo2 12MB and I beat him in all gaming benchmarks. He used to get soo pissed.

Then I moved to a P!!! 700E which I oc'ed to 933EB speeds.


I remeber argueing with stupid Voodoo fanboy that the Voodoo 3XXX sucked and that my TNT was a much better architecture =)
:lol: Dude you need to get out more, go smell some flowers, talk to some trees, look at some fluffy animals, I mean Slot A eeew a CPU modeled on a Sega Saturn/Atari cartridge was never going to be a good idea (although I know of one thats still in service), the K6-III was a giggle though I had a 450 that cried enough when I tried to get it to 600mhz, I don't see a Dragon 32 though. :lol:

Edit:Typed one console was thinking of another


Mar 28, 2006
Wow, I'm impressed.

I have CPUs still in service on my home network that are much older than many of your retired specimens.

I have a Slot A Athlon 700 serving as my domain controller for example.

My current network also has an old slot 1 Celeron as a web browsing machine, a pentium 2 as my print server, A pentium 3 as my legacy gaming machine, an Athlon 1200 as my multimedia PC, 3 different Athlon XP systems used as low end gaming machines. A Pentium 4 3Ghz HT PC as my primary gaming machine (I need an upgrade). A Duron 900 as another web browsing machine.

Then I have an army of 486s, pentiums, k62s, and durons retired for various reasons. Usually because of a hardware malfunction that wasn't worth replacing.

Can I have your permission to use those images in my class.


Wow, I'm impressed.

I have CPUs still in service on my home network that are much older than many of your retired specimens.

I have a Slot A Athlon 700 serving as my domain controller for example.

My current network also has an old slot 1 Celeron as a web browsing machine, a pentium 2 as my print server, A pentium 3 as my legacy gaming machine, an Athlon 1200 as my multimedia PC, 3 different Athlon XP systems used as low end gaming machines. A Pentium 4 3Ghz HT PC as my primary gaming machine (I need an upgrade). A Duron 900 as another web browsing machine.

Then I have an army of 486s, pentiums, k62s, and durons retired for various reasons. Usually because of a hardware malfunction that wasn't worth replacing.

Can I have your permission to use those images in my class.

Of course, anyone can use these images for whatever ethical purpose they wish. lol

Doesn't matter to me.


Feb 20, 2006
:lol: . o O (takes forever to load this page!!)

Wow.. so you saved all your other CPU's?

I pretty much traded/sold/gave away my stuff.

My systems were:

Texas Instruments
Tandy 1000
P90 - Packard Bell

Then my home builts as follows:

Cyrix P100+
Cyrix P200+
MMX P200
AMD K6 2 (300mhz?)
AMD K6 3 plus (500mhz)
PII 400 - got into SCSI components
PIII 800
AMD Thunderbird (1ghz)
P4 2.66/533
P4 3.0/800

After looking back and spending so much money during those times.. I gave up in tring to keep up with technology. :lol:


:lol: . o O (takes forever to load this page!!)

Wow.. so you saved all your other CPU's?

I pretty much traded/sold/gave away my stuff.

My systems were:

Texas Instruments
Tandy 1000
P90 - Packard Bell

Then my home builts as follows:

Cyrix P100+
Cyrix P200+
MMX P200
AMD K6 2 (300mhz?)
AMD K6 3 plus (500mhz)
PII 400 - got into SCSI components
PIII 800
AMD Thunderbird (1ghz)
P4 2.66/533
P4 3.0/800

After looking back and spending so much money during those times.. I gave up in tring to keep up with technology. :lol:

Yeah, I'm sort of a technology pack rat. You should see my Video Card Collection... :p


Sep 20, 2006
Like most everyone else here I don't keep my old systems long I either give them away or sell them if they've got any life left in them. So here they are in order more or less:

Motorolla ? Whatever An Apple IIe was running at the time
Intel 8088 4.77 mhz IBM XT
Intel 8088 10 Mhz IBM XT Clone
AMD 286 12 Mhz
Intel 386sx 20 Mhz
Intel 386 33 Mhz
AMD 386 40 Mhz
Intel 486 66 Mhz
Intel Pentium 75 Mhz (Still runs a friend has it couldn't believe he still uses it)
Intel Pentium 233 Mhz (dead)
AMD K6 2 533 Mhz (sister inlaw has it)
Intel PII 450 Mhz (dead Overclocked it to death))
AMD Athlon 750 (friend has it)
Intel PIII 1.0 Ghz (My kids use it)
AMD XP 1800+ (Sold to a firend)
Intel P4 3.0 Ghz w/HT (Took it to work cause machines at work sucked)
AMD XP Barton 2500+ (Now belongs to wife)
AMD 64 3200+ (Sold to Friend)
AMD 64 X2 4200+ (Current Setup)

And soon within month or two Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 or E6600


Sep 27, 2004
hmmm.... are you 45yrsold , not married , live with your parents still , in their underground basement , with your 50 computers everywhere ?


hmmm.... are you 45yrsold , not married , live with your parents still , in their underground basement , with your 50 computers everywhere ?


25Yrs old, Divorced living on my own with too many computers to count. I'm in a Longterm relationship. But I won't lie.. computers have often come in between me and my significant others.

:p :p


Sep 27, 2004
seriously man , i dont wanna turn this forum into a family health forum or whatever.. but as a 19yrold man giving advice to a 25yrold man , i say dont let computers take over your life , like some people have let them .

I had no social life for about 2 years , and i lost a few friends over it , and now im in the process of making new friends , i couldnt really get off the computer on weekends , i was glued to gaming and internet crap on them. Im not saying stay totally away from them , because i still like computers , just dont make them your life . Live a life outside your house .


Feb 2, 2006
Wow, that's a lot of cpu you got. What would be the monetary value if you added them altogether now and the total you have spend when you first bought them.

Well for me, I first got a typewriter and then upgrade to an electric one. Then I got a calculator. Then my first pc, Turbo edition!!!! with a bonus included screen filter!!!!! Then lots of stock and then AMD builds and now 840. I don't really remember it all.


Jun 19, 2006
Computers are rough when mixed with girlfriends. I currently want to purchase my water cooling kit (currently on sale) but the girlfriend is whining about some ring she saw "on sale" at Zales.

I got paid yesterday and it is not enough for both :p What to do? Liquid...mmm

white gold and diamond....yuck


Computers are rough when mixed with girlfriends. I currently want to purchase my water cooling kit (currently on sale) but the girlfriend is whining about some ring she saw "on sale" at Zales.

I got paid yesterday and it is not enough for both :p What to do? Liquid...mmm

white gold and diamond....yuck

Lol... yeah that's one thing I like about my GF. She absolutely despises jewelry. I bought her a diamond Heart Necklace for X-Mas and learned the hard way that she has no real interest in that stuff.

She's into animals, so since I've met her I've gotten a Bunny (Rocky) and 2 Kittens (Simba and Kodi).... :?
Lucky you... I spent almost as much on my X6800 as on my GF's ring... she claims since we've know each other since we were 5 that this is complely justified.
You think I spend money on my computers? You should see what happens when she gets a hold of my wallet and takes my car to the mall... :cry: :cry: :cry:
She is so lucky I love her...


Apr 15, 2003
vic 20

p 133
k6 400
PII 450 *
p3 1Ghz
AMD 1700XP (palimino) *
AMD 1800XP (tbred a)
AMD 2500XP (barton)
AMD 2600XP (barton) *
AMD A64 3200+ (Winchester) *
AMD A64 FX 55 (SD) *

* currently running in pc's in my house//the 450 is my bsd firewall


Aug 12, 2006
AMD 486-DX@40MHz (Unknown motherboard)
Intel Pentium MMX@200MHz (OEM motherboard)
Intel Pentium III@1GHz (Asus CUSL2-C)

Notebook: Intel Pentium M 735@1.73GHz (HP Compaq nc4200)
Gaming: AMD Sempron 3000+(AM2)@1.6GHz (Asus M2NPV-VM)
Server: AMD Sempron 2200+@1.5GHz (Chaintech 7NIF2)


Oct 7, 2006
Commodore 64
Intel i486SX/25
Intel i486DX/33
Intel i486DX2/66
Intel i486DX4/100
Intel Pentium 75
AMD 5x86 133 skt3*
Pentium MMX 166
Pentium MMX 233
Cyrix 6x86MX PR200 (75x2, oc'ed to 83x2)*
Cyrix MII "333" (2.5x83 I think)*
K6-2 450
dual P2-333
dual Celeron 366 slot-1*
Celeron 333 skt370
P3-667 slot-1*
Dual P3-933 370
Athlon XP 1800 Palomino (died of old age! Palominos die early apparently)
Athlon XP 2400 (first that was truly my own desktop that i bought the parts for with my own funds)
Athlon XP 1800 Thoroughbred-B (oc'ed to 205FSB @ 1.75V)
Athlon XP 1700 (fried, damnit, heatsink not secured properly)
P4 1.6A*
P4 2.4B*
P4 2.8E (oc'ed to 3.4-3.5 normally, Zalman CNPS7000-Cu)
P4 3.0 775
Sempron 64 2800
Athlon 64 3500
Athlon 64 3700 754*
Core Duo T2400*
Athlon 64 FX-55*

I think that's it. The ones with asterisks, I have currently. These are all the CPUs I can think of that I've had set up as fully operational computers in this house, or CPUs which I've owned personally.


Aug 23, 2006
the first rig of my dad
IBM PS2 80286sx
10 MB HD

after that one, the computers where my property :twisted:

my first rig:
80386 DX
with a whopping 8 MB Ram and S3 videocard + HD 100 MB

second one
pentium 3 450 Mhz
with a voodoo3 4500 (3dFX was great, stupid directX, 3DFX must die because it isn't microsoft!)
with 64 MB RAM + HD 4.3 GB

third computer
AMD Athlon XP 1800 + 512 MB RAM and Geforce4 TI 4200
40 GB HD

fourth rig
AMD Athlon XP 2800
512 MB RAM + geforce4 TI 4200
120 GB HD

AMD64 3 Ghz. socket 754
512 MB, after 3 builds, still going strong
120 GB HD
Geforce 4 TI 4600

didn't kept the CPU-s :cry:

almost killed my dad when he told me he just thrown away the IBM?

it's a cool machine to play some ancient games on, like stunts, pac-man, commander keen,...
great time fun, on the 13" IBM CRT


Jun 23, 2006
Great collection! I'm planning on doing the same with my processors when I get rid of machines, I only have one atm though :oops:

My first machine:
P3 550MHz (100MHz bus)
256MB PC100 RAM
Geforce 3 Ti 200 64MB (originally Voodoo 3 3000 16MB)
40GB 7200rpm PATA100 HD (originally 13GB 5400rpm PATA33 HD)

Then I got a laptop which I've since sold on:
P4 2GHz (Northwood)
512MB DDR266 RAM
Radeon 32MB
60GB 5400rpm PATA100 HD (originally 20GB 4200rpm PATA66 HD)

My current machine (planning on replacing soon):
Athlon 64 3000+ 2GHz (Newcastle)
Geforce 6800 128MB
250GB 7200rpm SATA150 HD