My sound card has static no matter what I do


Sep 8, 2017
So, a few days ago, there was static coming through my speakers. I thought it was a faulty cable, so I got a new one. Nothing. Still static. So i got new speakers. Nothing. Finally i replaced my sound card. Still nothing. But what's funny is, there's no static on my on board audio. I absolutely love my sound card and want to get this fixed but what on earth is causing this? Does anyone know? I mean everything is new and it's still not fixed so I'm pretty clueless at this point, especially when my on board audio has no such issue. What do you guys think? Thanks!
The simplest possible cause I can think of is that the sound card's microphone input got unmuted, be it by user error, software or driver/hardware bug.

Huh, I never though about that. Well I did in fact tinker with the microphone settings in the windows 10 settings menu. Do you know how I mute it again? And just to clarify, I was trying to activate a microphone on my headset not the sound card.

Your right! It was the microphone. I checked in the control panel and for some reason a microphone showed up even though there's no microphone plugged in. I disabled it and it works now Thanks so much! Also by any chance, do you know of any place I can sell my old sound card as it turned out to not be the issue? If not it's no big deal.

The simplest way of getting rid of your surplus sound card would be to return it to wherever you got it from for a refund if that is an option. Otherwise, it'll be the usual suspects such as eBay, Craigslist, Kijiji and whatever other variants are out there.

Okay, I'll try eBay. Thanks!

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