OK. Same problem everyone else keeps reporting. Except: A)it only happens when I sort of push (10 ms word windows and 2 Google chrome) my system and B)if I do a hard shut down using the power button, it restarts normally. I don't get a white mouse when I get to the black screen. It flashes an orange screen for a split second on start up now. I have had this happen on multiple programs. I feared overheating but I have my doubts (my fan works fine and the house is 78° or so. Nothing up against it). Computer works fine until I start pushing it (as I said, only in the most laughable meaning of the phrase). It works fine up until that point. No major downloads in months. Happens w/ or w/out internet connection. I use trendmicro security but windows firewall is disactivated so that isn't the problem.
Any help? Also, I'm not fond of 8. Could switching to 7 fix this? Thanks.
Any help? Also, I'm not fond of 8. Could switching to 7 fix this? Thanks.