Question My Wifi keeps disconnecting

May 12, 2024
So I'm using a 866.7mbps Wi-Fi adapter and recently I started powering off my computer at night and about a week has gone by and everything's been fine except for 2 days ago when I would load into a game with my friends and that would be fine and then we would load into a match and then my Wi-Fi would disconnect and then I go back to lobby reset the adapter and the Wi-Fi's back and my PC stays connected until I load into another match and it disconnects again. When I'm not playing something that requires a lot of internet my PC is fine but when I start playing games that use a lot of network is when it disconnects. (And for those wondering, allow the computer to turn off this device to save power is turned off) Outside of a fan on the top of my case which isn't obstructing the adapter there's nothing else that would be obstructing it.
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How do you/did you power off the computer?

Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Make and model modem? Make and model router? (Or modem/router if combined.)

Run "ipconfig /all" (without quotes) via the Command Prompt.

Post the full results. (You should be able to copy and paste the full results without needing to retype everything.)