My Windows 95 antique computer will not turn on

Mar 26, 2018
basically, that is it. How do I get it to work, or who can get a new on button. I do have a HP guy who may be able to install a new "on" button.
Well I meant like a Compaq Model: ???? or something similar so we could see what your working with.
a 1.8ghz Northwood
So it could be a number of things as already stated.

You could buy a power supply tester like this
to see if the power supply failed, useful item to have around.
You can jump the pins on the motherboard to see if it will start, be sure you can replace the wires afterwards, its a long shot but switches do go bad.
At that point you get to the motherboard or the CPU itself being bad.
Somewhere on the motherboard is a clear cmos jumper
short that and hit the on button, you can also remove the battery for 30 seconds.
Put the jumper back the system will...


It is a INTEL P11350 CPU

Well I meant like a Compaq Model: ???? or something similar so we could see what your working with.
a 1.8ghz Northwood
So it could be a number of things as already stated.

You could buy a power supply tester like this
to see if the power supply failed, useful item to have around.
You can jump the pins on the motherboard to see if it will start, be sure you can replace the wires afterwards, its a long shot but switches do go bad.
At that point you get to the motherboard or the CPU itself being bad.
Somewhere on the motherboard is a clear cmos jumper
short that and hit the on button, you can also remove the battery for 30 seconds.
Put the jumper back the system will NOT start with that shorted only to clear the CMOS then replace to original position.
At that point other then getting another cpu or motherboard to check with your sol
Take to a local repair guy but hes probably gonna laugh and say buy a new one.
Good luck