Question Mystery concerning wireless mouse swapping ?

Oct 2, 2024
I have two wireless mice. That way, when the battery for one dies and I'm charging it I can use the other. The mystery is that when I plug the dead one into the charging cable and let the second mouse take over, I can't click on anything. The mouse pointer still moves, but nothing is clickable. The only way I can get out of this purgatory is to restart my computer. Any ideas?
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Make and model mice?

= = ==

Likely that "hot swapping" the mice is confusing Windows and thus Windows needs to be restarted to determine which mouse is in use.

Look in Device Manager > Mice and other pointing devices

What is listed there? Any warning icons?

The next time you swap mice, go to Device Manager and try disabling the mouse that needs to be charged and enable the second mouse taking over.

Does that make any difference?