Personally i don`t think Audi/BMW/Mercedes will pull the support from windows phone. I like the app on my phone but it`s lacking a simple option that was present on Google maps, the ability to point on a place and make a route there, you can`t do this on Here maps, you have to push in a street name.
The maps are good with streets but they are lacking in places, for instance on the Romanian shore there is no info on beach names and their locations, or important.
I`m a new windows phone user and i`m still amazed on how much better the OS is than android. The phone is lacking some apps but hopefully with win 10 they will all come to this platform.
Google is making a bad move from my point of view for now since they don`t want to support this platform. I switched in the past from Yahoo to Google, i can switch now from Google to Outlook and other maps...
I don`t believe in brand loyalty and i think it`s stupid.