Need a good Monitor

Jul 21, 2018
So i need a good monitor Wich is cheap. The needed specs would be at least 1080p 144hz g-sync monitor with ips panel (it can also be tn but I really dont know How huhe difference is between ips and tn panel. I know that tn panel is worse than ips but it has better response time Wich will be good in games) so could you recommend me some?
My system would be i7 8700k and gtx 1080 and the games I would play are cs:go, farcry 5, pubg and bf 1 (BF 5 maybe when it gets released) etc (yea I know g-sync is expensive but I meant that the monitor wouldn’t be overpriced when I said cheap, sorry for that)
Yea the max price point is 800€ and I looked the ultrawide up and that might be my choise but the only Problem with the ultrawide would be its big size (yea I think my table would fit it easily but I cant bring it to my friends lan parties but that might be only small Problem and not that big of a deal)