Need advice about PSU and GPU


Apr 13, 2014
Ok so I recently built this system.

Mobo asus rog maximus vi hero
Cpu intel i7 4770k 3.5ghz
Psu xfx 850w black edition
Gpu asus gtx 770
Ram 16gb

Ok so I've been getting restarts when loading gpu intensive games or programs such as furmark. When I start this on any resolution I get almost instant restart. I see the temp begin to rise but I never get as far as seeing it get dangerously high, past 70C I mean.

So after trying many things which I'm not going to type as I've heard a lot of opinions on this before and I'm sure u don't wanna hear it anyway.

So what I'm asking is, I am going to get refunds on my gpu and psu as I can't narrow it down to one item, I will probably get the same gpu again but I'm thinking of getting a different psu just to be safe. Can anyone recommend me a high quality psu that will run my system. It has to be the same size as the xfx 850w (8.6x16x14). The price doesn't matter too much but I'm not paying over £200

If you think I should go for a different gpu too I'm not stuck on the gtx 770
What you have is probably a loose/poorly set heat sink on the GPU, since as soon as it comes under load, it starts to overheat (causing a what looks like a thermal protection shutdown). I would RMA that by itself first, and see if that takes care of it.
What you have is probably a loose/poorly set heat sink on the GPU, since as soon as it comes under load, it starts to overheat (causing a what looks like a thermal protection shutdown). I would RMA that by itself first, and see if that takes care of it.

What does rma mean, I don't really want to fart about replacing bits a bobs, I'm just replacing them both and if my problem still isn't fixed then the sledge hammer will be getting brought out.

RMA = Return Materials Authorization

Goin to do what you and rad666 said, I will get a refund for my card and buy a new one, same card. It is being sent on one day delivery so hopefully have it by Friday or Saturday. If this doesn't work then I will return the psu.