Need Advice: Good PC setup under INR 15,000


May 16, 2014
Hi All,

Good day to all of you.

My computer died and I would like to get new components. I am looking for a MoBo, Ram and a Processor.

I already have a WD hard disk (1TB), a Corsair 450w PSU, a 24 inch Benq RL2455HM, mouse and a keyboard.

So, I would like your help with the first three components. My budget would be less than Indian Rupees 15,000.

I am not looking for a gaming build as I already have a PS3 for gaming, so I'm covered there.

I just need a configuration which will be good for Daily use (everything except gaming), no performance issues, long lasting and durable. I don't think that I would need a GPU, cause I'm not interested in a gaming build. What I can think of is a MoBo with on-board graphics will be best, however, if you feel that a GPU is required considering my needs, then please suggest a GPU too.

Also, if you have any suggestions to tackle dusting problem inside the cabinet, that would be very helpful too.

Thank you.

And here we are going in a circle, shame that the price is not accurate.

MSI H110M PRO VH will work with at least BIOS 2.A If the vendor will guarantee that you receive the board with the updated bios then it is a deal. Tell them it is imperative to get the 2.A or 2.B bios to support the G4560 or it is a paperweight.

Otherwise you need to have a shop update the bios, hopefully the PC shop would have a skylake cpu to boot and flash with. This service will probably cost you, so need to see how much before you make the purchase. Does the board cost and the service fee still make the budget?

Surely this seems too much trouble, but I believe the G4560 is the best value chip 2 cores 4 threads 3.5 GHZ, 610 IGP without avx extensions...


Thank you for your reply.

Sorry, but the motherboard is not available with any of my preferred vendors.

Also, is a G4560 better than the i3 or the Core 2 Duo?
G4560 is a pentium but they added hyperthreading. This makes it essentially an I3. it compares to the I3-6100 for nearly half price. It will work in h110 boards but the board has to be bios updated with kaby lake support before you put them together. Core 2 duo was good for their day. I used several, then went to 2nd gen I5 2500k. The G4560 is 7th gen.

See if there is an H110 motherboard you like, then see if the motherboard maker has a bios version that supports kaby lake, and then ask the vendor if they have a board with the matching bios. This should be on the serial number sticker on the outside of the box, there should be a bios version listed as it ships from factory. Old stock requires an update, new stock may be shipping with the new BIOS. Finding a vendor that will check and send you the updated board.

I came across a post which said that only windows 10 is compatible with the 7th gen. Is it true!? Cause I already have Windows 7 in my hard disk, and I'll be using it only.

Thank you, that explains a lot.

The G4560 is good. I was looking through various forums, and I found these.

Intel Pentium G4400 processor
Gigabyte GA-H110M-A motherboard

I'll be buying a Corsair 4gb ram. I already have the Corsair VS450 psu.

Is this configuration good? Also, The above processor, H110M-A is not easily available, so could you please suggest an alternative for that?

To give a more clear picture, my old build was this:

Core 2 Duo 2.93ghz
Intel DG41RQ MoBo
Kingston 2 x 2gb ram
Nvidia n9400 GT 1 GB

I was pretty happy with that build too, if I remove the gaming part. So, any build above my old build is good for me.

What I want are durable components, long lasting and which won't be affected by moisture and dust. I believe Gigabyte builds glass fabric motherboards or something like that which will protect it from moisture for a long time.

Thank you.

PS. I know that eventually everything will die or malfunction due to some reason or the other, no matter what kind of protection or materials have been used.
G4400 is a skylake, but it is only 2 core 2 thread. The G4560 is a kabylake 2 core 4 thread like an I3 but lacks AVX instructions. Some games do not like the dual core only. And the extra threads do help other desktop usage.

Gigabyte GA-H110M-A can do a kabylake with the F20 BIOS update. G4560, B250, 4GB ram at 14155.37 and it works... G4400, H110, 4GB ram at 15223.14 is a lesser system for more money.

Thank you.

The price of the B250 is not correct in that website. It around 7500 instead of 5989.

If I choose the G4560, 4GB corsair, then could you please suggest the motherboards from these links:?

The above two are the leading Online stores in India. If you could just suggest me any MoBo suitable with the G4560 from these, that would be very helpful. The budget would be up to INR 7000.

I know I'm asking a lot, but I just don;t know which one to buy. I can go with the reviews, but some of them may be false reviews. That's why I'm seeking the suggestions from a professional.

Thanks again.
And here we are going in a circle, shame that the price is not accurate.

MSI H110M PRO VH will work with at least BIOS 2.A If the vendor will guarantee that you receive the board with the updated bios then it is a deal. Tell them it is imperative to get the 2.A or 2.B bios to support the G4560 or it is a paperweight.

Otherwise you need to have a shop update the bios, hopefully the PC shop would have a skylake cpu to boot and flash with. This service will probably cost you, so need to see how much before you make the purchase. Does the board cost and the service fee still make the budget?

Surely this seems too much trouble, but I believe the G4560 is the best value chip 2 cores 4 threads 3.5 GHZ, 610 IGP without avx extensions for 5799 INR. It is comparable to the I3-6100 2 core 4 thread 3.7 GHz, 530 IGP with AVX instructions. for 11099 INR vs the G4400 2 core 2 thread 3.3 GHz, 510 IGP without AVX instructions for 4588 INR

The 200 series 1151 motherboards will just work, and go past budget. The 100 series 1151 motherboards can work, but MUST be bios updated with kabylake support before the G4560 will function which requires a fee from a PC shop with a skylake CPU to do the BIOS update.

Hi kraelic,

Thank you for all your help and assistance.

After thinking it through, I decided to buy the G4400, Gigabyte H110M - S2 and a 4 GB Corsair DDR4.

Got these at a good price.

Thank you for helping me out.. Because of you, I got to know about the G4560, which is a very good processor with positive reviews all over the internet. But, the G4400 was enough for me.

I'm marking your answer as the Solution so that others who come across this thread can know about the G4560 and the detailed information that you've given.

Thanks again.