[SOLVED] need advise with creating a Microsoft Account and 2 local accounts.


Mar 11, 2014
I am starting a new thread from a previous discussion, because after speaking to Microsoft support, it is advised to reset all 3 of my PCs. Now, so that this does not happen again, I need to know how it is possible to have one Microsoft Account for all 3 PCs, and for each PC to also have 1 Local Adminstrator Account and 1 standard Account.

My problem is that I had an Outlook.com account since Windows XP existed. However, since Windows Hello came along, I now own 3 Windows 10 PCs, which 2 of them have the original email address as local users. So my Outlook app would spit out an error stating that there is a problem with the account. I would click on fix, and it would be fixed until Windows makes any kind of account changes. Microsoft support said it would be better if I backup my hard drives, and start over, but I did not get any information on how to properly have a Microsoft account and 2 local accounts. Could someone please give me some advise?
If what you're trying to do is have a local Standard and Administrative account for all the PCs, plus access to your Microsoft Account on all of them, you can do this without using a Microsoft Account as the Windows account. There's an option when you first log into a Windows Store app to keep the Microsoft Account information only for Windows Store apps.

And yes, if you delete the Microsoft Account, you lose whatever data was on it. If it's stuff on One Drive, just download it.
Is there a difference between Windows installtion Outlook and the Windows Store Outlook? When i bought all 3 pcs they all had Outlook preinstalled, and I never had to redownload it
Let me ask the community of Tomshardware, is it possible to keep my original email for my local account and change the email address for the Microsoft account. If I understand correctly if I delete all Microsoft Accounts then I will loose my files that are on my one-drive. Isn't that correct.

I actually do not understand why Microsoft made the decision to move old Outlook.com accounts to be setup as a windows login. Doing so, I already caused for one of my PCs not be able to login to Windows at all due to internet connection issues and I get an error and it keeps saying that the PC needs an internet connection to sign in. So that PC will now need to go in the repair shop, because none of the repair tools is letting me to fix the problem. I swear that the brainiac who thought of this idea must of been on crack thinking, that everyone in the world has internet and never have internet connection issues. wouldn't that be the perfect world? but sadly it is not and people like that should not be programming operating systems.

After this headache, my next pc is going to have Li.nux, and so what it is not a game operating system. Maybe some day it will if we get enough windows haters
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If what you're trying to do is have a local Standard and Administrative account for all the PCs, plus access to your Microsoft Account on all of them, you can do this without using a Microsoft Account as the Windows account. There's an option when you first log into a Windows Store app to keep the Microsoft Account information only for Windows Store apps.

And yes, if you delete the Microsoft Account, you lose whatever data was on it. If it's stuff on One Drive, just download it.