Need CPU advice


Sep 7, 2014
Posted 36 minutes ago
Right now I have an AMD fx 8350 as processior, because of my grx 970 I thought it was time for an upgrade. So I thought I could just buy a intel 4790k. But because of the release of ddr4 ram it would maybe make sense to buy a ddr4 ram compatible cpu and because sometime in the future I would naybe also want to sli I would maybe also need a new Motherboard.
So I have two options:
1. I buy a 4790k now (and maybe buy a z97 now or in the future).
2. Or I would wait and gather some more money and buy a x99, ddr4 ram and a 5820k (or other better new released stuff) later on.
What would you reconmend me to do?
My Specs:
Amd fx 8350
With a noctua nh-d14
Msi gtx 970 overclocked a little
16 gb ddr3 ram
Asus m5a97 r2.0
4 case fans
Samsung 250gb ssd
2 terabyte hdd
Be quiet 600w 80 silver plus
Bitfenix Shinobi