need good decent price 2x1gb ram reliable, no overclock


Jun 23, 2007
Hi im looking for good ddr2 800 pc6400 ram 2x1gb. I will be gaming like 24/7 on this ram and i dont want it to fail or something ;p need something reliable what can u guys suggest?
Hi im looking for good ddr2 800 pc6400 ram 2x1gb. I will be gaming like 24/7 on this ram and i dont want it to fail or something ;p need something reliable what can u guys suggest?

I will be gaming like 24/7 on this ram and i dont want it to fail or something

I have overvolted RAM and left it running 24/7 for weeks at a time. It promptly died and had to be RMA'd. This should be expected of any RAM out there.
I'd say some of this stuff would be a bit higher quality. 😀

Newegg will assist you in getting your rebate if you buy through them. They will contact the manufacturer and call them dirty names for you. :lol: OCZ has reniged on paying a prompt rebate to me in the past. It was a retarded deal. The rebate people couldn't figure out I bought two of the deals with two completely seperate date limited rebate offers. I talked real sweet and got one of rebates taken care of. 😀 Sweettalk. I should right a 'how to' and post it :lol:
Ram is pretty cheap these days, any good brand will do. Corsair, G.Skill, OCZ, and Crucial are my personal favorites. However, if you don't plan to overclock you can really run any ram. Just pick out a 2x1gb kit with some decent timings and you should be good.
I always check ZipZoomFly first when shopping for RAM. They usually have the best deals. Service is also excellent.

Yeah thanks for the heads up. That price with rebate it's like they are giving it away. That price for a 2GB kit is unreal.

Someone send this to me..... It's $230 in my country 😛