Need help: Added Radeon 7770 Video card and now system won't sleep (S3)


Nov 29, 2007
I'm going to offer a ton of information, because I've googled the heck out of this problem and nothing works for me. There are MANY symptoms, but I can't put it all together for a fix.

  • *I added a Radeon 7770 graphics card to my Gateway DX4860-UR28
    *My Windows 8 system no longer has any sleep option. When I perform a powercfg /a from cmd, it says: Standby (S3) / An internal system component has disabled this standby state./ GRAPHICS
    *I've updated to latest drivers, both trying vanilla microsoft and Catalyst drivers, neither fix the issue
    *Other (maybe) related symptoms include:
    *I can NOT see boot screen or BIOS, but once booted into Windows I get sync. I even brought in another monitor to check things out. I've tried HDMI and DVI from Radeon 7770 and I've tried HDMI and 15-pin Dsub from integrated graphics and could NEVER get anything during boot while in BIOS (I know I was in BIOS because I hit [DEL] and the system never booted into Windows)
    *Windows sees a non-existent monitor, but Catalyst does not. This non-existent monitor is called "Generic non-PNP" and Windows likes to extend my desktop onto it (but that doesn't go anywhere because it doesn't exist!)
    *I'm powering my 7770 with Molex to 6 pin power adapter, but I *think* I'm ok on power because I've run furmark and superpi simultaneously and system is stable during benchmarks
    *I've already removed my MB CMOS battery for 30 minutes hoping that would help, no dice
My ultimate goal is to restore S3 sleep option, the other stuff sucks but I can live with it. Course the first time I need BIOS I'll change my mind on that comment. Any help welcomed
I would go back to before you added your card and start over! Uninstall you 7770. Uninstall the CCC in programs list, including the install manager. You need to use system restore and go back to a date before you installed your 7770. On page 46 of your manual, it explains how to use System restore for your computer, they even have recovery files already on your HD ( you don't have to find and download them!! ) You need to find out if Gateway has special drivers for AMD. I would even contact them and explain your situation. Gateway, Dell, HP, etc, do not always behave the same as custom built, Asus, Gigabyte, MSI, based computers. It would be nice to be able to use your BIOS, but I see no mention of it in your manual, so find out what is going on with that too. You say you know you were in your BIOS, because Windows never booted?? Were you able to see all settings for your MB? There should have been sleep/hybernate/shut down options, not to mention many others. I don't think your system even allows you to get into your BIOS.
that suggestion makes sense... I have done the restore sys thing twice already, but I never tried removing the video card because I don't want to run the system with out it... I wasn't sure what good it would do me to get into the bios without the video card installed...
Unfortunately, I don't think they are allowing you to access the BIOS. However, your right, you may not need to. I think the first thing is to get your computer back to operating properly, as it was before the card. Clearly, you would like to use your card, but not at the expense of lots of other headaches. So clean up you system first, then...
I saw several AMD drivers on their site. Did you download one of those?

Go down to the 4th driver on the VGA list and the newest AMD driver is dated 10/23/12. That is technically a bit old, but it may be the most compatible with your machine. Since the 7770 was current at that time, it may work quite well on everything but the very newest of games. Perhaps there is a newer one that will work too, but you will have to contact gateway to have them determine that for you.
Well google paid off. I really had to dig because there isn't a ton of info yet...
The problem is with windows 8 and uefi. When you put discrete video cards in machines with windows 8 and uefi mb you need to make changes BEFORE you install the card. By removing the video card and reconnecting to the integrated graphics, I was able to get into bios and make the necessary changes (secure boot = disabled and some other legacy setting to always). Boot into windows, shutdown, install new card and all is better. I get boot screen now, can access bios from discrete card, S3 is back....all good!
Thanks for all the help.
How do I mark this solved?