Need Help Choosing a Budget Gaming Laptop

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Nov 27, 2013
Hi, I need some help choosing a budget laptop which will be used for some gaming. My budget is $500-$600. I know decent gaming laptops come around at $700-$1000 but this is my budget.
I'll be using it for things like email, music, web browsing, and I want all these things to process fast. I'll also want to run more demanding things like some games and the 3d software called Blender.
The games I want to run are Command and Conquer 3, Battlefield 2142, and Company of Heroes 2; more strategy games than First Person Shooters. I'd like to run these games on high settings.
I've looked at the Acer Aspire V5 and some others but I need some help. If you guys can recommend some laptops that would be great. Let me know which features are available for under $600.00.


Gaming... Laptop... Budget...

The things do not mix well. Have you thought about something like the $500 gaming desktop in the Tom's system builder series and then a cheap tablet for portability or do you have to have your main applications portable?

The very cheapest Xotic PC laptop that has a nice screen and a dedicated video card (even if it's kinda slow) is about $665 which is pretty close, but still not within your price range.

You may be able to find a laptop with an AMD APU like an A6 or A8 fairly cheap, but don't expect it to run games in anything but the lowest settinsg you can set and even then not very quickly.

Gaming... Laptop... Budget...

The things do not mix well. Have you thought about something like the $500 gaming desktop in the Tom's system builder series and then a cheap tablet for portability or do you have to have your main applications portable?

The very cheapest Xotic PC laptop that has a nice screen and a dedicated video card (even if it's kinda slow) is about $665 which is pretty close, but still not within your price range.

You may be able to find a laptop with an AMD APU like an A6 or A8 fairly cheap, but don't expect it to run games in anything but the lowest settinsg you can set and even then not very quickly.


Ok; thanks for the info.

Look for one with amd a-4500m ati radeon 7640g, they go for around 400 but play all games on low and older ones like 2010 on medium. Make sure you put 8gb ram for best performance, the graphics card needs it.

Ok; thanks!

Also, let's say I just want to play C&C3 on a computer which is around this price range. This game was released in 2008. It should play well on any modern day computer right?

Here are some requirements for the game:

CPU (Single Core): Intel P4 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 2000+ for Windows XP / Intel P4 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 2200+ for Windows Vista
RAM: 512 MB for Windows XP/ 1 GB for Windows Vista
Hard Drive: 6 GB or more
Video: DirectX 9.0c, Nvidia GeForce 4+ or ATI Radeon 8500+ for Windows XP / Nvidia GeForce 6100+ or ATI Radeon 9500+ for Vista
Sound: DirectX 9.0c

How demanding do you guys think this game is?
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