Need help choosing my first GPU???


Sep 13, 2009
I am looking to spend $60-$100 on a graphics card at
This is pretty much the best game i will be running

This is the mother board i have......

I have picked out these GPU's they seem to be pretty good??? The second one seems to have faster speeds and its cheaper...
(is there a way you can check if the card is compatible with the MOBO or does it just need to be a PCI Ex16)
Radeon HD 4830 512MB -- $99
Core Clock 575MHz
Memory Clock 900MHz/1800MHz
Memory Size 512MB
Memory Interface 256-bit

Radeon HD 4670 512MB -- $70
Core Clock 750MHz
Memory Clock 2000MHz
Memory Size 512MB
Memory Interface 128-bit

Also does anyone know what the sound lvl of these GPU's are?? My computer is pretty quiet so i need a GPU to match it.. (if possible)
I play mostly strategy games..!! (controlling tons of troops and stuff like that)
resolution is 1680x1050
Right now with the on board video (ATI Radeon HD 4200)

Empire: Total war - (need more graphic power) -- Release Date: March 03, 2009
Rome: Total war - (runs OK) can have 18,000 troops in one battle without lag at med graphics -- Release Date: September 27, 2005
Blitzkrieg 2 (runs GREAT) full settings -- Release Date: February 20, 2007
Stronghold 2 (runs GREAT) full settings -- Release Date: April 19, 2005
Gettysburg (runs GREAT) full settings -- Released Date: April 28, 2005

my powesupply