Need help deciding on build


Dec 24, 2017
My idea would be 60% gaming / streaming 30% video editing 10% working.

I've never built one but finally have enough money to invest into a pc. I dont wanna go past 2500.I haven't picked out other parts yet, but just looking at the most expensive ones

Cpu Ryzen 7 1700 vs i7 7700k - They're currently both around the same price for 300, but ryzen seems better for more performace. the 8700k is 400$, but for only 6 cores. Would the 7700k be enough for video editing or is it really pushing the limits?

Gpu - Gtx 1080ti looks nice for 700-750. I've read the Vega cards from Amd aren't worth it due to power consumption, and the next best thing is the 580 which is similar to the 1060 (from what I read) is around 250-300ish.

Im guessing 16gb would be the minimum, 32gb would sit pretty comfortably

Anyone who has some insight much appreciated. As far as me overclocking I'm a total noob so I probably wouldnt until I learn a bit. Final noob question, do parts from the same brand work better then buying from different ones. Like all asus parts vs a mixed brands together.

I would exclude i7-7700K if you want to stream. It will do it but it's not a good value/performance compared to Ryzen 5 1600 or Ryzen 7 1700. If you go Ryzen 7 1700 you should really learn to OC because it is clocked pretty low at stock. OR, you can opt for the 8700K. No worrying with overclocking.

GPU depends on monitor resolution and refresh rate. What monitor will you be using? Do you need to purchase a monitor?

RAM would again depend on whether or not you edit 4K video, I would say 32GB for 4K. Anything less you can get by with 16GB.

It doesn't matter which brand parts you get as long as they are good quality and have the desired features/specifications.
I just need to learn how to OC, I just dont wanna mess anything up being its my first time. I currently have a benq zowie 1ms 75hz monitor that I use. I mostly play fps games, I'll probably pick up a 144hz monitor later. I've been gaming at 1080p for a while so maybe I might try 1440 and I dont edit in 4k so thats good to know.

The 1700X is the same price as the 1700. I just saw yesterday as I was browsing newegg.