Ok, so i have been putting together a build and i want a GPU that preferably comes with some games like this: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121642
and also i want a good one thats under $189 And it would be alot better if it could come with some games.... here are my two choices in GPU's as of right now:
i heard the gtx 650 ti boost is alot better, but my only problem with it is it doesnt come with any games...
and also if you do look for one please could it be from newegg.ca only.
Thanks guys!
and also i want a good one thats under $189 And it would be alot better if it could come with some games.... here are my two choices in GPU's as of right now:
i heard the gtx 650 ti boost is alot better, but my only problem with it is it doesnt come with any games...
and also if you do look for one please could it be from newegg.ca only.
Thanks guys!