Need help finding a new gaming mouse


Oct 11, 2017
So I recently built a new computer and I absolutely love it! However, I tend to play games for up to 6 hours straight. Doing this can make my hand feel uncomfortable. Also, whilst I play Rainbow Six Siege holding mouse 2 is very uncomfortable. The mouse I am currently using is a really cheap wireless mouse I got off of Amazon. My budget is about 50 dollars however, I am pretty flexible.

Thanks for the help!
I would suggest going to your local PC part store (if you have one, like Frys or microcenter) and trying out a few mice there in the store.
If you dont have any of those kind of stores, something like a bestbuy would be sufficient.

Basically, you need to experiment to see what kind of mouse you like, then its easier to recommend a quality mouse.

For example, I had a deathadder, which was a fairly long mouse, but its quality did not hold up. I switched to a corsair M65 which is a bit shorter but wider, and I like it much more.
I would suggest going to your local PC part store (if you have one, like Frys or microcenter) and trying out a few mice there in the store.
If you dont have any of those kind of stores, something like a bestbuy would be sufficient.

Basically, you need to experiment to see what kind of mouse you like, then its easier to recommend a quality mouse.

For example, I had a deathadder, which was a fairly long mouse, but its quality did not hold up. I switched to a corsair M65 which is a bit shorter but wider, and I like it much more.