Need help finding display mount


Feb 7, 2017
I recently purchased a new desk and I've kind of run into an issue that can be solved with a monitor mount but I need to find the right one.

This is the desk:

My issue is I have a 24" monitor that I planned to put on the top shelf, however I knew before I bought it that it would be probably be too high (I'm not that tall) and I dont want to have to 'look up' at the monitor. So currently I have it on the main desk area above the lower keyboard tray. This is ok temporarily, but I want to move it up a little higher. I'm trying to find the right mount that will do this. Ive seen a lot of arm mounts, but Ive had one of those in the past that I paid a lot of money for and after 6 months, it started to droop more and more and I had to toss it.

What would be ideal is a mount that sits flat on the shelf and clamps on the front and back (or only the back). This would place the monitor's height directly in the middle of the shelf, which would be the perfect height and then I could remove the monitors base.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what mount to use? I'm not opposed to an arm mount on the back of the desk that rests over the shelf either.

Thank you.
1. Is your monitor VESA Mount Compatible for 75x75 or 100x100?
2. can you make an MS paint mock up of what it is you need it to do exactly? it's hard to understand from your description.

The problem may be your desks kinda dumb/awkward design that forces you to have the monitor that high up.

I don't think there are any arms that will go LOWER than their clamp base.

A wall mount kind of does what you want, but that won't clamp onto your desk.

Or maybe your monitor stand is just too tall for you?

The pictures customer's posted of their own setups on amazon seem to work for them, why exactly is it doesn't work for you, is your chair maybe too short/low to the ground?

It sounds like an arm like this may work for you:


Feb 7, 2017

It is 100x100.

I created a picture of what I', trying to explain but I dont see any option of how to upload it here.

I'm figuring I will have to get an arm clamp style, I just thought maybe there was something more along the lines of what I was talking about that laid flat on a shelf. Ive seen the pictures of other people with this desk and unless they are like 6'5" tall, they are having to look up slightly to view the monitor and that creates heavy neck strain, especially if you are using it for long periods of time.

Maybe I'll just bite the bullet and get an arm mount. Im skeptical on them since my last one failed.


You are familiar with those arm mounts being adjustable? As in, when the arm starts to droop like you said yours did, remove the plastic cover that's hiding the nut (usually a flat-head screw driver will do) and tighten the nut that you see.....Droopy arm problem solved.

You can also try this Web site:
They have a number of mounts and different styles.


Feb 7, 2017

I did, tightened every part of it I could, didnt fix the problem :(