Need help finding surge protector


Jul 7, 2016
Im looking for a high quality but decent price surge protector around 50-60$ Im not sure what most can handle but I plan to plug my pc and 2 monitors into it and modem and router I have a old surge protector i was using before probably more than 5 years old and I dont know the brand but i recently turned my pc on and the psu blew up.

I don't know if it was a faulty psu or the surge protector but people are telling me i need a new one before i put my new psu into my pc it was a 750watt so i had that 750psu and 2 asus monitors a 144hz and a 60hz idk if that matters but those are the things I had connected at the time it blew up..

I checked my heat and everything on the gpu and cpu nothing had been heating up the last time checked... but the last time I turned my pc on the psu just sparked and popped and I didnt bother seeing if it worked I just unplugged it and left it alone.

I have a new psu same one coming tomorrow just wana know a good surge protector even if that wasnt the problem I want a more high quality one mine is very old now anyway.

[Edited for easier reading (wall of text & no punctuation) - - moderator]
Without stating the make and model of your PSU, it's left to our best guesses as to whether the PSU was the bad guy. To that effect please pass on your full system's specs inclusive of your OS. I also believe that the issue is with the cable leading from your PSU to the outlet/surge protector and even as much as the wiring inside your house. Might be a good idea to have a certified electrician take a look at your house's wiring.

About that surge protector, check this out.