Need Help Finding That Old Feeling


Oct 22, 2012
So I have always wanted a gaming PC for the longest time I am 26 years old and I just recently ordered all my hardware and should have it t-2 days. However now that I have this great $1,700 rig I just realized I wont have any idea what to purchase in regards to games.

I remember when I was younger playing games like Thief, AirWarrior, Hitman, SWAT 3, those were some of the titles I loved when I once played on the PC in the dial-up days. Sneaking downstairs to the family PC to play AirWarrior all night till the parents had to get up. Trying to stiffle the noise of the dial-up connection so it wouldnt wake them. I long for that desire and urge to feel that way again. However I have owned current and previous gen consoles for years now and have grown out of sync with what PC only games are out that I have missed out on. Please help me find the PC gamer inside me again and a game or two that can make me feel that way.

Should I buy games that I already own on consoles like Skyrim, Crysis 2, Battlefield 3, and so on or should I look for a new experience one I can only have on a beefed up gaming PC.
The Witcher 2

Battlefield 3 (It's better on PC)

CS:GO (or CS:S)

There's 3 good titles to get you started, Hitman is about to release a new game soon as well (you can preorder currently on steam).

DayZ is pretty epic too or was rather the mod has currently gone south fast on what it was but the standalaone game should be out by Christmas and should provide a good X-mas gaming run.

Basically get a steam account and browse it for the genre's and titles you like, almost anything you liked on the consoles may be worth a replay on the PC as most games will be graphically better on the PC or contain more features (higher player counts in BF3).

Thanks for the input everyone I think I am going to have game overload considering there have been so many good titles over the years that I have never experienced and now most of them are really priced low making it a very merry christmas for me. :)

welcome to my world, I've compiled a list for myself from only the last 2 years, it's 4 pages long and I've gotten through about 3/4 of first page in the past year. I'm starting to think that some things I will never have time for, since the next installment will come out before I do.
I have just got that feeling back myself. The object of my affection??

XCOM - Enemy Unknown.

Brought back all those memories of hours upon hours of turn based alien mashing!!. :)
Well I recently purchased a few games, I have Skyrim, GTA IV Complete Edition, ARMA II Combined Operations, Hitman Absolution (Pre-Ordered) included Hitman Codename 47, Hitman Silent Assassin, Hitman Bloodmoney, Metro 2033 (does not work however .exe error), Star Wars The Old Republic.

I am waiting for Battlefield 3 Premium Edition to go on sale for the holidays, also feel like getting SWAT 4 Gold Edition for old times sake. Perhaps Witcher 1 and 2 eventually I have to play some of what I already downloaded before I start adding more lol.

Side note GTA IV is a pain in the ass to add mods to seems like they want you to roll back to a previous patch than the most recent one for the graphics mods to be compatible however when I do this it seems the game will not launch properly kinda crappy since I mainly got that game for the graphics mod but not a big deal considering I never played the expansions that came with it so should still be a good time with or without the ENB mod.
i have been having a sh*tload of fun with just cause 2 the past couple days. im pretty sure their's no other open world game that i can jump on the roof of a jet and grapple hook onto to another one, all well flying high up in the air, throw the pilot out and into the ocean and then fly away with my newly acquired jet, and fly giant passenger planes around a tropical island. nuff said
Definitly STALKER, Crysis 1 / Warhead, Deus EX 3, Witcher 2 (thou i suggest you play first one first, for story sake). Mass effect 1 and 2 (If you go into mass effect 3 after you will die a horrible death!).

Metro 2033 (i even think its cheap now on steam).
Also, i strongly suggest FEAR 1 (Old game but really nice)
And Amnesia (best horror game i ever played).
...Why, oh why has nobody mentioned Freespace 2? WHY!?

Get Freespace 2. Best space-flight-sim-thing ever.


Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magicka

Baldur's gate + Tales of the Sword Coast

Planescape Torment

Neverwinter Nights (I, not II.) - If your doing multiplayer, the Arelith RP server is awesome.

Rome Total War

The Feeble Files
Built a gaming rig (2k-ish) just to play Diablo III. Now that I'm done with it, here's what I'm doing...

Currently playing: Assassin's Creed III (if you haven't played the previous ones, you can go to gamespot and watch all the cutscenes from the previous games in the series.

Next up: Dishonored (or Witcher 2 that I bought long ago, but just couldn't get passed that steep learning curve)

Maybe: XCOM Enemy Unknown

The good old days of $0.99 an hour. I used to love this game.

A lot of good suggestions in this thread. I won't go about repeating all of the ones I agree with or pointing out the ones that I think are marginal, but I did want to let you know that Battlefield 3 on PC is a substantially different experience than on console, and if you enjoy the game it may be worth picking up on PC to see it with the added visual effects and such. I think that Skyrim and Crysis 2 you can probably safely pass on, since all that would be left for you to experience with them would be modding their otherwise already experienced single-player campaigns, which I can't imagine would have any real value to you at this point.

Also, since you liked Thief you should check out Dishonored. It's a gorgeous game although not incredibly demanding, but more importantly it feels somewhat true to the roots of older stealth games like Thief. It delivers a solid storyline and is an enjoyable single player experience.

Don't forget that PC also offers a wide variety of indie games, many of which are going back and touching on and revamping the roots of classic platforming challenges. Super Meat Boy, Dustforce and Trine 1/2 for platformers alongside Jamestown and Sine Mora for shmups all seem to pay homage to the glory days of games, when the point of playing wasn't to pwn some newbs, but just to have a hell of a lot of fun.