Need help formatting hard drive please!


Jun 3, 2012
I have a Seagate 1.5 TB portable hard drive and have recently tried to format it. Now I'm not really good with all this tech stuff and I am having problems. The formatting process seems to be stuck in the middle. This is what it looks like on the formatting progress window:

Capacity: 875 GB (Why does it say 875?)

File System: NTFS

Allocation Unit Size: 4096 bytes

Restore Device Defaults

Volume Label: (Left it blank)

Format Options: Quick format and MS-DOS start up disk (Left both unchecked)

Then the progress bar which is seemingly stuck somewhere close to the middle. It hasn't moved for hours now and I'm getting worried. I tried to do a quick format but it says it couldn't be formatted. I need some help

wow you got a lot of partitions on there lol. Just delete all the "Other." And it should be unallocated after that. Then you will be able to expand it.
I do have some other programs running yes. I will try again with nothing running but I've already left it alone for 24 hours and it still hasn't made any progress. Is this normal?
Alright I chose the quick format option. It worked. I can now access the drive but now it has less memory than it should have. It only has a capacity of 867 GB now. Why is that?
okay tell me what information it says on the Disk. On the left it should say: Disk #, Basic, #GB, Online, On the right the is a dark blue bar, tell me whats under it, such as Drive name:, #GB, NTFS, if it says Healthy (Primary Partition)