Hello everyone, I've been having issues port forwarding since... well forever, no matter what I've tried or done nothing I do works and it's driving me insane, so I'm hoping that some guru with networking could potentially help me here.
Now I know a lot of people have trouble with port forwarding, but I'm pretty confident with what I'm doing is right, I've forwarded ports on other routers/machines before and it works, yet for me it doesn't. What I've done: Disabled windows firewall, Allowed the application I'm trying to run (Tunngle) on my antivirus software I use (Comodo) to not be blocked, Forwarded the port 11155 UDP on my router to my LAN address according to my IPV4 address, yet the port STILL says its blocked. I have looked at and know tunngle is attempting to use 11155 as it creates a listener on that port. I've even tried to use a VPN software that allowed port forwarding on 11155 yet it remained blocked. I'm connecting using a wire to my router.
ROUTER: Cisco Linksys E2500
MOBO: Dell Alienware X51 R2
PSU: Dell model GA240PE1-00
PCI WIFI adapter: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
OS: Windows 7, Realtek Driver Version: 7.67.1226.2012
ISP: Northfield WiFi (Though sometimes it'll say Abovenet Communications...)
Connection type: Dynamic IP/DSL (Pretty sure DSL anyway, and public IP changes, LAN does not)
Devices connected to router: 3-6, depending on if parents are home, but doesn't seem to matter much.
I'm getting no errors in windows itself; my program however complains the the port is blocked, and canyouseeme.org says the connection times out.
"Make and model of switches and how many ports are on each switch" I'm honestly not sure what this one means, if you mean my router? as stated before LinksysE2500, and it has 4 ports on the back, 5 including the one for plugging in the internet.
#Of PCs/Laptops connected: 5, active connections vary from 2-5.
NAS: No.
"Whether or not a Wifi router is connected to the network and/or switch" Not sure about this one... I mean it's the router, and its connected to the little network box that converts what our ISP sends to internet, so yes?
The network box I mentioned is a Power Active, "Carrier POE ADAPTER", model: UBI-POE-24-5
LAN Connection type: Connecting to router with default MOBO port using ethernet cable to the router.
Any help would be greatly appreciated if someone has suggestions of what to do
Now I know a lot of people have trouble with port forwarding, but I'm pretty confident with what I'm doing is right, I've forwarded ports on other routers/machines before and it works, yet for me it doesn't. What I've done: Disabled windows firewall, Allowed the application I'm trying to run (Tunngle) on my antivirus software I use (Comodo) to not be blocked, Forwarded the port 11155 UDP on my router to my LAN address according to my IPV4 address, yet the port STILL says its blocked. I have looked at and know tunngle is attempting to use 11155 as it creates a listener on that port. I've even tried to use a VPN software that allowed port forwarding on 11155 yet it remained blocked. I'm connecting using a wire to my router.
ROUTER: Cisco Linksys E2500
MOBO: Dell Alienware X51 R2
PSU: Dell model GA240PE1-00
PCI WIFI adapter: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
OS: Windows 7, Realtek Driver Version: 7.67.1226.2012
ISP: Northfield WiFi (Though sometimes it'll say Abovenet Communications...)
Connection type: Dynamic IP/DSL (Pretty sure DSL anyway, and public IP changes, LAN does not)
Devices connected to router: 3-6, depending on if parents are home, but doesn't seem to matter much.
I'm getting no errors in windows itself; my program however complains the the port is blocked, and canyouseeme.org says the connection times out.
"Make and model of switches and how many ports are on each switch" I'm honestly not sure what this one means, if you mean my router? as stated before LinksysE2500, and it has 4 ports on the back, 5 including the one for plugging in the internet.
#Of PCs/Laptops connected: 5, active connections vary from 2-5.
NAS: No.
"Whether or not a Wifi router is connected to the network and/or switch" Not sure about this one... I mean it's the router, and its connected to the little network box that converts what our ISP sends to internet, so yes?
The network box I mentioned is a Power Active, "Carrier POE ADAPTER", model: UBI-POE-24-5
LAN Connection type: Connecting to router with default MOBO port using ethernet cable to the router.
Any help would be greatly appreciated if someone has suggestions of what to do