Need Help Getting A New GPU


Apr 13, 2014
So as the title describes im looking for help selecting a new GPU as my previous one which i bought especially for my newly built isnt working properly, I am NOT going to risk buying another one as after looking online i have found that the GTX Nvidia Geforce 770 has had many issues with drivers and not running at its full capabilities due to powermizer etc.

My current setup looks like this

CPU i7 4770k running at 3.5GHz
Mobo Asus ROG Maximus VI Hero
PSU XFX 850 Black Edition

So yea any help on this would be great, My budget is anything up to £250. I also want you to take into consideration how reliable the cards are or how much problems there are with card you choose. For example i didnt realise until after i bought my 770 that there seems to be alot of issues with the nvidia 700 series drivers.
wow, first ive ever heard of 770 driver issues.

i have a similar rig, 4770k, asrock mobo, 1300w lightning, 16gb 2400, 2x PNY XLR8 770 4gb

I have not had a single issue with them in 5 months. Everything just works. I'm on the latest beta drivers. They both ramp up and stay at 100% on my 1440p/120hz monitor in maxed out settings.

I had the opposite experience... i dealt with nothing but driver issues on my xfx black 7950s for the entire 2013 calender year. I think i spent more time fiddling with drivers/fixes/reg changes/crash than I did actually gaming, especially with BF3 and 4.

So i went to Nvidia and life has been smooth sailing

Opps, my message just deleted itself lol, you must have been one of the lucky ones, just type gtx 770 problems into google and you will see all the problems and how similar they are.

If the card isn't faulty, is there anyway a replacement card could fix my issue?