Alright, so its kinda complicated but I no longer have access to the phone number that receives the two-step verification codes, so when I go to log in it says enter code sent to the phone, which I cannot do. Another problem is I do not have access to a PS4 anymore since I sold mine and my other one is states away from me, so I can't just hop on it and turn it off since I will not be anywhere near it for months probably. Another thing to note is I can't get in contact with the support, because I don't know where their live chat went, or what their email is, I tried calling the number, but they will not be open until tomorrow. I know this isn't really the place to post this question, but I don't know where else to put it. Something I was considering was trying to hack into my account and then just change the phone number from the old one to the new one, but I have no idea how I would do that. If anyone knows something I can do that will allow me to sign in then it will be greatly appreciated.