Need help identifying a component on a MSI GTX 1070 Gaming X


Nov 27, 2014
Hopefully this is in the right place.

Recently I acquired a MSI GTX 1070 Gaming X from a friend who said it had stopped working. He thought he might have knocked off a capacitor due to the visible copper, but it looks as if the only real damage is to the resistor. The top of the resistor has been scraped off, leaving only the ceramic substrate.

This seemed to be the only problem, however, I could not find a picture of the back of the pcb clear enough to make out any markings. I think it must be a fairly low value due to the thick traces, but I don't think shorting it would be a good idea. The resistance of the component in its current state is somewhere in the Mohm range, not registering on my mutlimeter most of the time. This makes me think the connection has been broken.

This picture is of the bottom-back corner of the back of the pcb.

If any of you know what this component is, or a way to find out, any help will be greatly appreciated.
I would consider an rma, but unfortunately the backplate for the card had been cut. There's a small section, about 1cm x 1cm that has been removed. The reason for the cut i don't really know, but I assume it had something to do with the damage.
Thank you for your reply. I've sent a request into support to see if they can identify the component on the board, we'll see how it goes. After looking around, it doesn't seem like msi offers repair for anything out of warranty, but i'll keep digging.
Well good news. Support says they wont be able to give me information about the board, but they can replace the card for $55. I guess i'll be sending it in. Thank you for your support.
The number is R1035. That'll be a resistor on the other side of the board, what you'll see in the picture will be 2 solder spots that'll join the traces through the resistor. If you look directly below the red square, you'll see R595, and it'll look the same, all black coated with 2x visible solder spots.

But, you must also take into account that the board is somewhat generic, it fits several different models, so some components are missing to start with as they are used by a different model. If there is a resistor there, it'll be on the other side still, the chances of 'knocking' one completely out of the traces being astronomically slim.
Is that $55 for another 1070 or a different card? I think I saw that card on a local classified ad today for sale (if it's not, then I saw a card with the EXACT same damage and the ad is gone now). If it is that card and you paid your friend what they were asking in the ad, that's a pretty sweet deal.

They offered to send a replacement 1070. I was honestly impressed with how they replied with a full answer in just 2 minutes.

It might be the same one you saw. He had it listed here in Utah.