I just bought a Seagate barracuda 4TB drive after doing some research and it seemed like a decent HDD according to the data published by BackBlaze.
I noticed some weird sounds right away, because they sound nothing like the noises that my computer normally makes. At first i thought that it was coil whine or something, but I've double checked and the sounds are coming from the HDD.
Here is the recording: http://puu.sh/rucm5/06e64ef3e0.mp3
The first part includes both types of noises that the HDD makes.
-2 seconds in a short click and a low hum happens for about a second
-11 seconds in a chirping sound happens
This is the first HDD I've purchased in 5 years, so i'm just trying to make sure if this noise is indicative of a faulty hard drive or not, before i take it in for warranty.
The chirping sound may be occurring when the hard drive is accessed for the first time in a bit, but i'm not certain about it. I was thinking that it may be an idle -> active -> idle type of deal, but i can't reproduce the sound with such consistency. I could record ~10 instances within 5 minutes easily.
When i use the hard drive normally, like copying a lot of files at the same time it doesn't seem to happen. I also downloaded Seagate's benchmark tool, but it didn't yield any negative results.
Thank you for reading.
EDIT: after some reading, based on the period of these noises happening, it's caused by automatic parking (APM/AAM), but i'm still not sure if that chirping sound is normal. It sounds like something is actually grinding when the disk is unparked.
I just bought a Seagate barracuda 4TB drive after doing some research and it seemed like a decent HDD according to the data published by BackBlaze.
I noticed some weird sounds right away, because they sound nothing like the noises that my computer normally makes. At first i thought that it was coil whine or something, but I've double checked and the sounds are coming from the HDD.
Here is the recording: http://puu.sh/rucm5/06e64ef3e0.mp3
The first part includes both types of noises that the HDD makes.
-2 seconds in a short click and a low hum happens for about a second
-11 seconds in a chirping sound happens
This is the first HDD I've purchased in 5 years, so i'm just trying to make sure if this noise is indicative of a faulty hard drive or not, before i take it in for warranty.
The chirping sound may be occurring when the hard drive is accessed for the first time in a bit, but i'm not certain about it. I was thinking that it may be an idle -> active -> idle type of deal, but i can't reproduce the sound with such consistency. I could record ~10 instances within 5 minutes easily.
When i use the hard drive normally, like copying a lot of files at the same time it doesn't seem to happen. I also downloaded Seagate's benchmark tool, but it didn't yield any negative results.
Thank you for reading.
EDIT: after some reading, based on the period of these noises happening, it's caused by automatic parking (APM/AAM), but i'm still not sure if that chirping sound is normal. It sounds like something is actually grinding when the disk is unparked.