Need help identifying HDD sound (with recording)


Oct 1, 2016

I just bought a Seagate barracuda 4TB drive after doing some research and it seemed like a decent HDD according to the data published by BackBlaze.

I noticed some weird sounds right away, because they sound nothing like the noises that my computer normally makes. At first i thought that it was coil whine or something, but I've double checked and the sounds are coming from the HDD.

Here is the recording:
The first part includes both types of noises that the HDD makes.
-2 seconds in a short click and a low hum happens for about a second
-11 seconds in a chirping sound happens

This is the first HDD I've purchased in 5 years, so i'm just trying to make sure if this noise is indicative of a faulty hard drive or not, before i take it in for warranty.
The chirping sound may be occurring when the hard drive is accessed for the first time in a bit, but i'm not certain about it. I was thinking that it may be an idle -> active -> idle type of deal, but i can't reproduce the sound with such consistency. I could record ~10 instances within 5 minutes easily.
When i use the hard drive normally, like copying a lot of files at the same time it doesn't seem to happen. I also downloaded Seagate's benchmark tool, but it didn't yield any negative results.

Thank you for reading.

EDIT: after some reading, based on the period of these noises happening, it's caused by automatic parking (APM/AAM), but i'm still not sure if that chirping sound is normal. It sounds like something is actually grinding when the disk is unparked.
Just RMA the drive. You brand new HDD shouldn't make grinding/chirping sounds.

As for the head parking, I would say that especially for a secondary drive, it is a really nice feature, if we assume that the drive operates properly.

I believe that there are some third party tools that may help you adjusting the head park time. Just google that, I can't tell you a specific tool as I am a rep.

D_Know_WD :)
Hi there brummer,

I believe it will not hurt to contact the manufacturer's Support on that. Chirping sounds are not really a good thing when it comes to HDDs.
You've mentioned some benchmark tool. I believe you will need to use a tool that can provide a SMART report. Check these third party tools out:

Also, it may be a good idea to back up the data stored on the drive, until you sort this out. :)

D_Know_WD :)
Hey, D_Know_WD!

I've contacted the support and i've also ran the seagate windows tool.
The tool didn't come up with any problems.
As for the support, it seemed to be your usual Indian outsourced support, where they aren't able to tell you anything relating to your problem, just a quick walk-through of a few scripted steps, which ultimately ended at them telling me to bring in the HDD for repair.

I don't think anyone qualified at seagate ever listened to that sound file i recorded, which is a shame, because they'd be able to tell me if something was wrong or not right away.

Other than that, this APM/AAPM parking thing is kind of ridiculous, especially since it can't be disabled permanently. I had to get a program that writes a tiny file to the HDD every 7 seconds, in order to stop the parking from happening. Apparently the drive would reach a lifetime work of parks within a year if i didn't do this.

Luckily i do not have data on that drive, as i bought it 3 days ago.

Thanks for reading.
Just RMA the drive. You brand new HDD shouldn't make grinding/chirping sounds.

As for the head parking, I would say that especially for a secondary drive, it is a really nice feature, if we assume that the drive operates properly.

I believe that there are some third party tools that may help you adjusting the head park time. Just google that, I can't tell you a specific tool as I am a rep.

D_Know_WD :)
Thanks! Will do.

It's kind of disappointing that a WD employee is giving me more support than the official seagate support regarding their own drive.