Need help picking out a printer.

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Aug 11, 2011
My mother needs a new printer but I am completely lost on the subject since I print only basic stuff and my epson 880 from like the late 90s still runs like a champ. I dont know what brands are good and reliable or anything. So here are some specifics for the printer to be and if someone has a suggestion by all means shoot me a link to it or something. I prefer to get it from newegg though, whatever I order.

She doesnt do photo quality printing. Just some text, resume and occasion print something out for a art project she is working on thats in color so nothing fancy here.

Ideally it would be a 2 ink tank system to make it simpler on her and if at all possible a model that you can find generic carts for easily. But a multi tank system is ok as long as she can find replacements for it easily enough and will be able to for awhile without spending a fortune on ink.

A built in scanner would be nice.

Something reliable and of good quality that lasts a long time.

Really would like to stay sub 100 dollars.

Thank you. :hello:
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